Gremmy Awards

Gremmy Awards 2017: Guest Gremmys

Guest Gremmys 2017

There aren't too many people doing awards for surf music which makes me very self-conscious about my choices. The Gremmys are just my opinions and some albums that didn't make an impact for me meant a lot to others, not to mention ones that I loved but just didn't make it to the top tier. So here are some other voices from people that I know are listening to a lot of surf and whose opinions I respect, and hopefully they'll cover some of the ground that I didn't.


Gremmy Awards 2017: Best Modern Surf Record

This category is for albums that are unmistakably surf, but would not be mistaken for vintage. This was a tough category this year and it was tough choosing a winner. A lot of these were also really pushing the envelope, and it was hard to decide what belongs here and what belongs in the Way-Out Instro category.


Gremmy Awards 2017: Best "Rad" Instro Record

Rad Instro 2017

This is my own terminology for surf music that's more punk-influenced, with a focus on speed and force before anything else. I like it because it rhymes with Trad. It's not necessarily about who's the loudest and the fastest as much as it's about who's the best at being loud and fast.


Gremmy Awards 2017: Best Album Art

Best Album Art Gremmy 2017

I’ve heard a lot of great surf records behind terrible album art, but some good art can not only draw you in but shape your listening experience. And in a style of music that is so attached to kitschy paraphernalia, it’s interesting to see how bands can either harness or subvert those associations to stand out and even shape instro culture.


Gremmy Awards 2015: Guest Gremmys

Guest Gremmy Awards

As far as I know, the Gremmys are the only surf/instro awards out there, which puts a lot of weight on my whim. Too much.

So I reached out to a few respectable folks that I know are on top of this music to try to bring a few more opinions into the mix.

Everybody has been given carte blanche as to how they want to present this. No "rad", "trad", "modern", "way-out" here.


Gremmy Awards 2015: The Best of the Rest

Gremmy Awards 2015: The Best of the Rest

While I'm busy cooking up these other awards, I find a few more things I want to recognize. So here are a bunch of smaller awards. No honorable mentions, only one runner-up if that.

Best Record Label

Double Crown Records


Today's show: 2015 and the Gremmy Awards

2015 Gremmy awards

There's still the miscellaneous Gremmy awards to be awarded, but the big ones are out of the way. I figture we ought to listen to them!

In addition to those, I've got a few latecomers and a few notables that didn't get a nod. There's still a TON of excellent 2015 releases that didn't make the cut here... I'm considering doing one more 2015 show after the New Years and sweeping up the ones that aren't in this one - there's enough that it would still be a great show!



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