
Surf releases for Record Store Day's Black Friday

Record Store Day Black Friday

Disclaimer: I hate Record Store Day and Black Friday, and if it weren't for the fact that they make a lot of money from it, your record store would hate it too. However, it often does bring a few surf records into the world, and I've found in that they're not exactly the hottest items, so you can probably drop by your store at your leisure rather than hop in line at 7 AM.


Coffin Haze release Rehearsal Ritual 1

Coffin Haze - Rehearsal Ritual 1

Coffin Haze refer to themselves as blackabilly deathsurf. I like it. This one's kind muddy recording-wise, I'm guessing it was live, but it's indeed dark, fast and very well played. For now it's streaming and purchaseable on bandcamp, and there's a cassette version on the way. That's about everything I can find on these guys based on their facebook page.


The Huaraches release Steal Second

The Huaraches - Steal Second

Huaraches were nice to enough to send me a preview copy on this one so it's been played on the show and in my car for a few weeks now. Despite the fun, summery baseball album art, I get a pretty dark, ominous and dangerous vibe on this one. Perhaps it's not the music: I did first listen to it on the way back from a haunted house, the luchadore mask-wearing figure on the cover kinda freaks me out, and I've had a fear of getting hit in the face with a baseball since I watched it happen to a kid in summer camp a long time ago. 


WaveSauce release Stop Go

WaveSauce - Stop Go

Surf has a long and great history with sci-fi and with it comes a flirtation with the mysterious sci-fi instrument the Theremin: the magical instrument meant to be heard, not touched. While others use it sparingly, WaveSauce is the only surf group I've heard that COMMITS to this device's otherworldly moans (though Messer Chups comes close (they collaborated with Leon Theremin's granddaughter!)).


Speedball Jr release 7" with Stooges' saxophonist Steve Mackay

Speedball Jr 7"

Belgium's Speedball Jr play some of my favorite aggro-surf songs, so it's cool to see them join a member of everybody's favorite pre-punk group The Stooges to play some Stooges classics: "Loose" and "1970".

They've got a preview of Loose up on Youtube, and you can grab the real thing over at Drunkabilly


The Shockwave release Contact From Space

The Shockwave - Contact from Space

More from Finland! Double Crown was so excited about The Shockwave's last release that they brought them onto their roster. Mine's on the way through the Double Crown Music Club and will be my first exposure to them, but they've put up a live preview of some of the tracks on this album over on the youtube



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