
Khruangbin release History of Flight EP

Khruangbin - History of Flight

Khruangbin have released 3 EPs this year, two of which were teetering on the edge of surf/rock & roll -- and I decided they were over the edge. This one I think is far enough in our camp, and I think they all deserve a listen if you want to hear something different. They're a little surfy, a little jazzy, dreamy, some krautrock in there...

This one is all (mostly obscure) covers and a little more tight than their other EPs. I'll just go ahead and post them all below


Surfin' Fariseos release El Reverb Proveerá

Surfin' Fariseos

Surfin' Fariseos hail from Chile and love to make a racket. They've got 10 loud and fast instumentals here including 3 covers -- though currently missing an album cover. I think that's a mistake, but sometimes it's nice to listen to something without an album cover telling you how to listen to it. Just me telling you it's pretty raucous. And available for however much you want to pay.


Dr. Tritón release Sin Querer

Dr. Tritón - Sin Querer

Once I only knew about maybe three Mexican surf bands (Lost Acapulco, Telekrimen, Twin Tones). I always thought it seemed a bit low considering the great things I've heard about the crowds at Mexican surf shows. Bandcamp seemed to open the floodgates, and among other groups, Dr. Tritón came out. This EP is a handful of dark and moody instrumentals to match the album cover. My favorite is probably Pistolera Lady Mamacita


OK here's every damn 2014 Surf Release that I know of

Everything in 2014

As we head on into December, naturally it's fun to corral all the releases of the past year and do a little retrospective. Which means culling together what's been released. That's what this is. The amount that I have published here is 71 LPs, 44 EPs, and 4 reissues. And it's probably missing a LOT of stuff; I almost forgot to include The Madeira's Sonic Cataclysm so if that slips through, who else knows what did.

So I could use your help! If you know that something's missing, leave a comment and I'll update it.


Spindrift release Exotic Detonation cassette

Spindrift - Exotic Detonation

If you haven't heard Spindrift before, you better get on it. They've made some absolutely killer Spaghetti Western records and put on an excellent live show. They're not always instrumental, but usually they are, and the one preview we've got here appears to be as well. This appears to be a few extras from their soundtrack to Ghost of the West (which I haven't heard yet!), looks like only three tracks. More than anything, I'm excited to see this on Burger Records, a light-hearted punk label that I always thought could use a surf group.


Tuareg release Go! Go! Surf

Taureg - Go! Go! Surf

Tuareg have an interesting thing going. Two guitarists in Middle Eastern garb (from Spain), no other bandmates, with both their album covers depicting them surfing on a wave of feces. That may not be 100% clear on this one, but it is on their previous album cover, where the brown wave comes straight fromthe toilet. It's unique, I'm pretty sure of that, and I don't think anybody's going to steal it. As you might expect, this isn't supposed to be relaxing, it's meant to be loud!


The Dead Rocks release Surf Explosão

Dead Rocks - Surf Explosão

While Brazil has no shortage of great surf groups, if you asked me to name the first that comes to mind, it would probably be the Dead Rocks. They've been around for about 10 years now and put out some great albums, my favorites being International Brazillian Surfs and One Million Dollar Surf Band. They're relentless promoters and have made their music easy to obtain across the world. And most importantly, who can forget those sharp outfits. After a brief Spaghetti Western stint on their last LP, they're back to plain ol' surf and doing it well.



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