
Wild Al Hotchkiss & His Aquaphibians release Salty Sea Dawg EP

Wild Al Hotchkiss and his Aquaphibians - Salty Sea Dawg

While Wild Al isn't normally intstrumental, he's dropped off a nice little 4-song release for us. This is definitely pretty heavily psychedelic, slow, and desolate, sort of leaning towards Thee Oh Sees or Ty Segall, but he lists Ventures in Space as one of the primary influences on this EP. If you've heard anything from The Space Agency, you oughta feel this one.

He's got it at a pay-watchu-want level, including free. Give it a lissen


The Okay-Men release Auf Kassette

The Okay-Men - Auf Kassette

Last time we heard from the The Okay-Men I did some sleuthwork into figuring out just who these mystery men were. Looks like this isn't a one-off side project though, we've got a full LP and in the quick sample listen I did this morning I'd say it's the best Okay/Boo-Men material yet. It's faster, harder, but it's still got plenty of that pogo pseudo-polka beat.


Horse Rock release The Men From E.N.C.O.R.E. EP

Horse Rock - Men from E.N.C.O.R.E.

Surf is about riding surf boards, but some people like to ride horses. For this we have Horse Rock.

I could continue with horse-related jokes. Something about "galloping rhythms". Then I'd have to think really hard for more parallels. I'd suggest you check out their website instead, it's much funnier than whatever I would say.


Skurkarna release In the Web of Villainy

skurkarna - in the web of villainy

You (may) have heard of "Crime Jazz" but have you heard any "Crime Rock"?

Skurkarna play rough and tumble instro tunes with clips from noir and crime movies interspersed throughout. Very seedy. For English speakers scratching their heads at the name, I've gathered from the internet that Skurkarna is the plural of Skurk, which is Swedish slang for a villain or scoundrel.


Phantom Operators release Surf Trippin' in support of V2 indiegogo

Phantom Operators - Surf Trippin'

The Phantom Operators just released two songs in support of V2 Tuesday (V2uesday?), which is raising money for Bob Spalding and Leon Taylor, current members of the Ventures, to release a new record through Indiegogo. All purchases of this single or their other works will go to V2 today.


Moussaka release Sa Sa EP

Moussaka - Sa Sa

Moussaka plays surf covers of balkan folk pop songs from the 80's. At least that's what they say, and since I can't think of a single example of that genre, I'm going to have to play them. One of the guitarists also plays bass for Threesome, which is reason enough to give it a moment of eartime.

They've got it at a Pay-what-you-want level on bandcamp


Travelers of Tyme release A Fistful of Dragons EP

Travelers of Tyme - A Fistful of Dragons

Travelers of Tyme released an excellent and very diverse self-titled LP a over 3 years ago. Though they've updated their bandcamp page with older items (at least I think so, hard to say for a Tyme travelling band), I was really hoping for something new. We finally have something and it includes an instro cover of the Game of Thrones theme.



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