It's been forever since the last Bandcamp Friday roundup I've done and there have been a whole ton of excellent surf releases. Unfortunately this one lands in the middle of a vacation with little internet or even time availability. But I've got a bit of a window to do something here, so I'm going to highlight as many as I can before my son finishes his nap or this laundry gets done. I'm really going to try to focus on quantity of reviews over quality, though the whole point is that the music itself is all something I'd recommend. Inevitably I won't get to mention everything I'd like to, but this is better than nothing.
I don't even know when the last one of these bandcamp fridays were. I'm just going to start from now and work backwards-ish.
First of all, don't miss the stuff that has full reviews on this site.
That includes:
- Wave Electric - S/T
- Wave Chargers - Caravelle
- The Del-Vipers - Los Del-Vipers
- The Hang-Ten Hangmen - After the Storm EP
- The Manakooras - Jungle of Steel
Les Robots - Exploring the Boundaries of the Multiverse
These Joe Meek-alikes have had a pretty steady release schedule since they first landed and all of it has been as great as the last. Their LPs have been pretty tightly packed, quick experiences, but this one is much more big and loose with a lot of different ideas going around. If you like them, duh, buy it. If you haven't heard them yet, buy this and everything.
The Volcanics - Concrete Carver
Another group that I hope you're already well acquainted with. Interestingly, they've pared down one man to a trio here, and if I had to pinpoint a change there I'd say there's a bit more of a punk rock simplicity and attitude and less glimmer, but this is pretty subtle -- it's absolutely The Volcanics.
Surf Britannia Vol. 3
This has been a great series of comps that has even turned me on to a few groups despite the fact that I know everything.
Michael Purkhiser - 3-D
EP recorded in the 90s by Lux Interior's brother sees the light of day, but that doesn't have much to do with what you hear on this. Very modern production, dense arrangements, all four tracks are punchy and super fun.
Mayor of Donutville - Heracleon
A moody, progressive one that does feel like it's heavy on concept while staying energetic and interesting. It's pay-what-you-want, but pay the guy!
Hey that's neat, these guys are from Long Island, NY which is where I'm typing this right now. Very genuine sense of mean-ness and danger from this group, make sure to check out their other singles that were just recently released too.
Répéter - Blue Perfidia
Their previous stuff was really dry and ragged guitar instrumental stuff with sparse backing and a bit of a groove to it. I was really curious to hear what a more overtly surf version of this formula sounds like, and it's still pretty unique, with traces of surf but also dub and cumbia and weirdness.
Magnatech - Impala '59
I've enjoyed all of Magnatech's records, but this does feel a little more buttoned up at the finer details, and I think his songwriting skills are sharpening considerably, employing the right tones for the right moods and conjuring some cool and interesting riffs.
Cato Dojo Clan - Cato Dojo Clan EP
Sharp and wild surf sound with an out-of-control energy. Looking forward to hearing more from this group.
Night Zoo - Cold War Classics
Cool New York that has just a little twist of weirdness to their surf sound. A nice record with some good originals and covers that accentuate the best parts of the originals in fun ways.
Santa Anna Bay Coconuts - Wheels and Waves
Last time I wrote about this group I commented on how great their recording sounds, and that's still the case here. This time they're a little more moody and strange.
The Angry Red Planet - The Klingons Have Surrounded... Uranus
A really wild and free sound from this group. Saturday Morning cartoon theme song vibes.
L'Appel de la musique Surf vol°2
We sampled the surf of Great Britain earlier in this article, now let's do France. Compiled by the legendary Productions Impossible label, always loud and wild stuff coming from them.
And that's all we've got time for folks! There certainly were some other noteworthy releases, and I wish I had time to mention them. In fact, feel free to do so in the comments.