
America del Surf releases Surfing Way!

America del Surf - Surfing Way!

The only surf band I can think of with America in its name is from Madrid, Spain. Sure, why not?

Surfing Way is a light-hearted walk through many different familiar sounds in the surf world: straight up surf, drag racing, spaghetti western, fuzz, etc. It's easy-going and sounds nice and vibrant.


Blackball Bandits release Demo

Blackball Bandits - Demo

Should I post demos as releases? Yes, because I'm digging this. Blackball Bandits clearly have a Western angle to them evidenced in their (great) medley of Ennio Morricone classics, but it also evokes the west in that wide-open-road way on "Azteca Verano", AND in the Roswell, New Mexico way on their opening track. It's got a great mean edge to it that sometimes reminds me of Speedball Jr, though maybe that's just name association. A lot of disparate sounds coming together naturally and sensibly and, most importantly, enjoyably.


Moms I'd Like to Surf release Surf Cops are Watching You

Moms I'd Like to Surf - Surf Cops are Watching You

Mom's I'd Like to Surf may hold the crown for goofiest surf band name, and seeing what might even be a on the cover can make you think "hooo boy, where's this going?". As it turns out, the goofy cover art is mostly just that; this is still comfortably within the surf realm. That's not to say it doesn't have some quirks to it.


El Mounstro de la Laguna Chiquichano release TRELEWAYO

El Mounstro de la Laguna Chiquichano - TRELEWAYO

Surf is usually pretty analog, even in one-man home studio incarnations, so it's always a little strange to hear projects like this. While most tracks still have recognizable reverbed surf guitar, just about everything else is unabashed drum machine, electric keyboard, and synthesized sounds. And it's pretty fun! Definitely has a bedroom project feel, but still has a surf pace and surf song structures.


Anonymous Henchmen release Dial "H" For Henchmen

Anonymous Henchmen - Dial "H" For Henchmen

Henchmen have it tough, so I appreciate that they found the time and space in their employer's lair to form a band and let off some steam. They've got a pretty dark twang going throughout that sets up a big vibe of mystery and evil. I mean I'm really buying this as a henchman sound, right down to the feeling of oppression - "Nikola Tesla Theme" even starts out with a bit of a march. The winner of the bunch to me is "Worthy Adversary" with its harsh buzzing and forboding trumpet buildup. Worth checking out if you're into the spy sound!


Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E. release The Claw

Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E. - The Claw

Perhaps you can tell by the name, but Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E are pointed in a global syndicate of evil direction than rather than southern California. If you didn't figure that out, then you need to watch Goldfinger. But what I really mean by that is you can expect plenty of organ with your guitars, and a swanky mod beat. Not so much John Barry, closest cousin I can think of is Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited. It's a sound I'd like to hear more of, and they pull it off according to plan. SPECTRE wins this time.


Captain Surfari and The Washburns release Live On The Beach EP

Captain Surfari and The Washburns - Live On The Beach EP

We've got four songs of rough and raw surf here, all new tracks. As a live EP, the production quality takes off some of the crispy edge that was on their , but it's still fast and fun. I'm hoping we can hear some of these on an LP in the future


The Coconauts release Space Madness

The Coconauts - Space Madness

Arizona's The Coconauts are back with their second LP. It's been a while since I last sat down with their album Get Coco-Naughty, but this one seems creepier and spacier. It's also a bit more focused as an album, with several interstitial bits to accentuate the creepy, spacey feel. Looks like the tracks from their EP I Drove My Car to Heaven found new version on this one as well. I've barely given this album a full listen, but standouts are the great interplay between guitarists on "Re-Entry" and "Black Hole".



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