Blog Stuff

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I gotta be honest, I never liked Instagram and I've been wanting to quit facebook, but both are probably the best tools I have to promote Storm Surge of Reverb.

That said, I'd rather promote platforms I actually appreciate. Discord is nice. It's often used for gaming, but mostly it's just a chat platform. With a discord I have a means to

From: 02/11/2021 - 11:04
Tags: Discord

Gremmy Awards are hard. I often don't agree with them a year later, there are records that I inevitably overlook or great albums that just don't find a place. Thankfully, I've met a bunch of friends over the years that I know are listening to plenty of new surf releases, and so I ask them for their favorites so that you can have some opinions other than my own terrible ones. I give them cart blanche as to how they want to write them up, so this may be a little disjointed, but I think it's fun that way.

Huge thanks to everybody that contributed! Parts in italics are my own introductions.

From: 02/10/2021 - 15:24

From: 02/09/2021 - 11:40
Tags: playlist

Os Brutus - Primitivo & Civilizado

Bandcamp Fridays are still a thing. Today your purchases go directly to the band, none of it to bandcamp (some of it to paypal, but what can ya do). What this also means is "oh crap Hunter, you better write about some of the new stuff".

Here are a few standouts since the last Bandcamp Friday -- which was actually in December, so we're going back a bit. These are about as brief as reviews get because I've got a lot of ground to cover, and they're in no particular order.

From: 02/05/2021 - 10:37

From: 02/02/2021 - 10:59
Tags: playlist


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Storm Surge of Reverb, like surf music in general, is a money-losing endeavor.

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