Blog Stuff

Hodaddys - Hot Rods n Surf

Hodaddys play some fun-in-the-sun trad surf with a bit of a hot rod touch to it. Gotta love all the Rat Fink styled art this band has courtesy of . Based on the samples at , this one's got some great production on it, sounds loud and big like it ought to.

From: 01/20/2015 - 08:22

the galaxies - tremble (wax, board, and boogie)
dick et les espions - malaguena (the fabulous frozen sounds of...)
the clee-shays - dynamite (the dynamic guitar sounds of)
els a-phonics - alburfera stomp (els a-phonics & friends)

the revels - longboard (intoxica!!! the best of)
the vikings - shoe string - 45
the mighty trojans - just got up - 45
the champs - low down (the champs & fabulous cyclones)
the ventures - off in the 93rds (guitar freakout)
the flee-rekkers - sunday date (vampires, spacemen, cowboys and spooks)

From: 02/01/2015 - 23:09
Tags: playlist

Unfortunately I'll be missing Monday's show as I'm in New York City while my girlfriend shows off her singing talents with her Balkan music group Blato Zlato (translates to Swamp Gold). I'll have some good stuff ready for next week. A WTUL favorite DJ Pompeii is rising to the challenge. She's done it before and by golly I thought she did pretty well. While I definitely haven't a whole lot of free time up here in NYC, I swear I'm not sleeping on the job finding new surf releases, just seems like a slow week.

From: 01/18/2015 - 10:44

el ray - those damn kids (the evil mermaid)
barbacoa - gorilla monsoon (italian medallion)
watang! - miss wong (miss wong)
durango14 - villapaquita (vol. 2)
krontjong devils - mustang (action!) 

the abominable showmen - 26 alpha 20 (the abominable showmen)
captain ahab & the sea cracken - surf home plotzed (jürmungandr)
hikury beach - pennywise (soy el diablo)
the grande bois - killer hornet (meltdown)
the tiki creeps - green slime are coming (invaders from beyond the sound barrier) 

From: 01/12/2015 - 08:39
Tags: playlist

The Sub-Vectors = Music on the Bones

Here we go, 2015! The Sub-Vectors gave me a preview of a few tracks off their new album back in December and I found them mighty tasty. It's big (huge even), loud, of the MOAM school of guitar tone, and really packs a punch. The name (and art) of the CD comes from how Soviet music bootleggers would sometimes .

From: 01/10/2015 - 16:03


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