Blog Stuff

Spindrift - Exotic Detonation

If you haven't heard Spindrift before, you better get on it. They've made some absolutely killer Spaghetti Western records and put on an excellent live show. They're not always instrumental, but usually they are, and the one preview we've got here appears to be as well. This appears to be a few extras from their soundtrack to Ghost of the West (which I haven't heard yet!), looks like only three tracks. More than anything, I'm excited to see this on Burger Records, a light-hearted punk label that I always thought could use a surf group.

From: 12/06/2014 - 16:47

Evil Waves - Vol 1

Evil Waves hail from Valpraiso Indiana playin' trashy, dark lo-fi instros. They're saying that Vol 2 is following shortly behind in early 2015. Give it a listen!

From: 12/04/2014 - 07:40

Taureg - Go! Go! Surf

Tuareg have an interesting thing going. Two guitarists in Middle Eastern garb (from Spain), no other bandmates, with both their album covers depicting them surfing on a wave of feces. That may not be 100% clear on this one, but it is on their previous album cover, where the brown wave comes straight fromthe toilet. It's unique, I'm pretty sure of that, and I don't think anybody's going to steal it. As you might expect, this isn't supposed to be relaxing, it's meant to be loud!

From: 12/01/2014 - 08:35

This was such a blast to do

From: 12/01/2014 - 08:18

Surf Raiders - The Originals 1981-1988

The Surf Raiders were one of the big "second wave" surf groups in the 80s. Admittedly, I haven't done my homework on them, but that task just got a lot easier now that their originals are compiled onto this 13 song CD.

From: 11/30/2014 - 21:04


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