Blog Stuff
Not to be a brat, but when I got an email about another Messer Chups record, my reaction was "oh ok, sure"
There's just a lot of Messer Chups. I think my digital collection spans 17 releases. And I can't really blame them, I once watched a guy walk up to their merch table and buy one of each album, which is when I realized that having a big back catalog helps you make more money! But aside from one record with a lot of harp, can I really expect a new Messer Chups record to be more than just more?
Actually, yes!
Oh no. It's pretty much June and I haven't finished the Gremmys. I got sidetracked, a little burnt out,time to shove this out the door. This is my category for things that felt worth mentioning for whatever reason or another. I often highlight outstanding EPs in this section, but since it's gotten this far behind and that's the most time-consuming part, I'm forgoing it. These are probably the least serious categories, a lot of them don't exist from year-to-year. Anyway, let's do it.
While the recent Nebulas LP was close, I think the most anticipated surf comeback LP of 2024 is from Swedish trio Langhorns, who released a trilogy of LPs between 1998 and 2002. It's hard to choose a winner among these three LPs, with an impeccable sound, a mastery of mood and toughness, and versatility. Mission Exotica in particular showed a wide range of instrumentation, and some of the genre-pushing sensibilities shared by groups such as Phantom Four.
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