The Terrorsurf have a new LP of trashy surf tunes and even pressed it to vinyl. Bands with a lo-fi sound like theirs often seem like a weird fit for vinyl but it turns out this is a bit nicer of a sound than they had on their 2016 debut under this name. They’re not really lo-fi anymore (they claim to be Zombiphonic Hi-Fi) and they’re better for it: it’s still got a punk momentum and it’s still usually dealing in a low, scummy mood (but not always!). They’ve also added a second guitarist, expanding what they’re able to do in a big way.
The opening track “Terrorsurfer” has trad appeal that you might not expect from this band, with some dripping reverb and excellent short riffs. “Bat Shit Crazy” has a big sense of defiance to it. “Surf Burger” is also a standout, with a scummy sound but a drum beat that makes you want to stomp violently, spiced up with great breakout guitar moments. That’s contrasted by next track: a relatively much brighter tittyshaker called “Sax Fiend”.
I have a feeling this is one that’s going to grow on me with each listen. Even if you weren’t a fan of The Terrorsurfs in the past, I think this is worth second look. Thankfully, you can do that right here. Also the vinyl is purple splattered, nice and pretty.