I enjoyed Les Agamemnonz's debut 10". It had a good trad sound, a lot of very drippy reverb and a somewhat restrained energy that worked out well. They keep that up with Au Revoir, though they expand a bit. "Vulkanizer" (which really masters the thud from the Astronauts' "kuk") and "El Tremblador" are a bit more menacing than I remember from this band, and they pick up a wild west sound on the last three tracks. Tickling one of my favorite spots is "Tre Grazie", a great take on the Peruvian chicha sound.
You've got some pretty alluring options about which version to buy. Green Cookie is releasing Au Revoir on vinyl (the cover art deserves it!) OR you could download or buy their new CD De A à Z which has both Au Revoir and their self-titled 10" back to back.