Blog Stuff

Tsunami Experiment - Lost in the Circuit

This is the second longplayer from Tsunami Experiment and though it plays less long than their last one (8 tracks vs 15), I get a better sense of emotion here.

From: 10/12/2017 - 08:05

Megatronadores - Wanglen

Argentina's Megatronadores impressed me with their first EP Wedwedn. It had a great wide open and free-floating feeling to it while still keeping a significant heft and drive. I had a feeling that with their follow-up they would only expand and try new things, and sure enough the result is a expansive, extremely creative work that makes for a wonderous listen even if its tether to surf is pretty thin.

From: 10/10/2017 - 07:54

Over half of this show was 45s that I had just dug up. Also some new stuff from Messer Chups, Phantom Surfers, Coast of Ghosts, Spitwater and The Revomatics.

From: 10/09/2017 - 18:08
Tags: playlist

the reigning monarchs - blood red metalflake (black sweater massacre)
los straitjackets - Pop Rocks & Coke (jet set)
The Mummies - tall cool one (play their own records)
the ramblin' ambassadors - Superbee (ramble on)
pounded by the surf - Out of Control (no waves)

From: 10/02/2017 - 18:13
Tags: playlist

For 25 years Spain's Los Coronas have been pumping out first-rate surf records. It's been 4 years since their last LP Adios Sancho and Señales de Humo (Smoke Signals for us english speakers) builds on that sound, but even after one listen I think it exceeds their last effort.

From: 09/29/2017 - 15:27


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