Blog Stuff

The Terrorsurfs - Mutant Surfin' Trash

The Terrorsurf have a new LP of trashy surf tunes and even pressed it to vinyl. Bands with a lo-fi sound like theirs often seem like a weird fit for vinyl but it turns out this is a bit nicer of a sound than they had on their 2016 debut under this name. They’re not really lo-fi anymore (they claim to be Zombiphonic Hi-Fi) and they’re better for it: it’s still got a punk momentum and it’s still usually dealing in a low, scummy mood (but not always!). They’ve also added a second guitarist, expanding what they’re able to do in a big way.

From: 03/09/2018 - 10:36

Today's show was all covers of songs that aren't normally instrumental. Thanks to everybody that donated. You can still voice your support for SSOR by making a pledge at

From: 03/05/2018 - 18:11
Tags: playlist

Since it's pledge drive I'm trying to please the crowd. That means playing the songs they know! Today's songs are all instrumental covers of songs that aren't usually instrumental.

Here's the thing: I've done this a bunch of times and I don't want it to feel like I'm doing the same thing every year. So how about tell me what YOU want to hear.

From: 03/05/2018 - 13:45

Every pledge drive we pit listeners against listeners. When people donated to the show, they chose a side. The story so far: Good was defeated by Evil. Evil was defeated by Science. Science was defeated by Nature. Nature was defeated by NITRO. This year NITRO was taken down by INCOGNITO. That meant SPY and PRIVATE EYE music was taken down by DRAG RACING music.

From: 03/05/2018 - 15:45

For this show we played bands from every country that had medaled in the 2018 Winter Olypics in order of their medal count. I tried to choose the best representatives of each nation.

Apologies to: 

Liechtenstein: couldn't find a band.
Slovakia: I just forgot
Germany and Norway: Y'all should have had more songs, I ran out of time

From: 02/26/2018 - 14:11
Tags: playlist


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Storm Surge of Reverb, like surf music in general, is a money-losing endeavor.

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