Blog Stuff

The Looney Tunes - Searchlights (The Modern Sounds of...)
Twangozilla - Mexican Girl vs Voodoo Witch (Mexican Girl vs Voodoo Witch)
diabolico coupe - Saturday Night (little carmine)
Surfin' Beards - Festival de Calaveras (Surfin Beards)
Tarantinos NYC - Shindig (Gnarly Wave Volume 2)

From: 05/14/2018 - 18:09
Tags: playlist

Los Coronas - Supertubos (surfin' tenochititlan)
Los Pontiaks - Psycho Sonic Boogie (Motel Acapulco)
Atomic 7 - stab it & steer it (en hillbilly caliente)
The Looney Tunes - Santa Cruz (The Modern Sounds Of)
Pounded By the Surf - Acid Drop (No Waves)
Sir Frog and the Toads - Mustang (It Came from the Beach)

From: 05/07/2018 - 18:22
Tags: playlist

The Surf Raiders - The Curl Rider (Raiders of the lost Surf)
The Looney Tunes - Gül Bachar (Modern Sounds of)
los twang marvels - Phantom of the Highway (Prueba del fuego)
Greengo - Fantasma Silvestre (Un Par)

Dick Dale & his del-tones - night rider (king of the surf guitar)
link wray & the wraymen - dance contest (white lightning)
Duane Eddy - Yep (45)
The Dyna-sores - jungle walk (45)
the telstars - spaghetti strap (Surf-Age Nuggets)
The Ventures - The Lonely Bull (the ventures play telstar)

From: 04/30/2018 - 18:04
Tags: playlist

los tiki phantoms - Espiral Cósmica (Y el Misterio del Talismán)
los wet guitars - El Barco (Majestic)
The Pulltones - Big Beach (Storm Fisherman)
Langhorns - Fuzzball (club gabardino)
The Barbary Coasters - Cruel Surf (the libertine philosophy of)

Link Wray - Son of Rumble (7")

From: 04/23/2018 - 18:06
Tags: playlist

Longboard Ranch - Bejal (longboard ranch rides again)
The Surfites - Gnarly Charlie Brown (the surfites & co.)
The Hang-Ten Hangmen - Shark Bait (Destination Saturn)
Satan's Pilgrims - Ghoul School (Siniestro)
Fantastic 3 - Indian Tones (14 favorites!!!)

From: 04/16/2018 - 18:08
Tags: playlist


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