The surf band with perhaps the most uncomfortable name since Bambi Molesters have finally released their first full-length, and that mindset of pushing out of the comfort zone is all over this thing. However, this isn’t achieved by merely adding a theremin or doing a spaghetti western song; it’s with unexpected syncopation, different guitar tones, subtle effects and instrumentation. Not only is the band trying new things, but the listener is challenged as well. And most importantly, it works. All of these unconventional rhythms, it all sounds natural and not like it’s trying too hard to be quirky -- in fact I’d even say that most of it is danceable (credit to the bass guitarist, certainly not a background role in this album). For a record that sounds pretty recognizably surf, it’s almost hard to pinpoint why with the guitar tone constantly changing shape and surfbeat nowhere to be found.
The first two tracks “Soulstep for the Masses” and “Messiah Jerk” are a great first impression, both with pretty in-your-face guitar and a punchy rhythm. “Wave Almighty” is probably the most overt surf song with shades of The Barbwires’ “La Caja del Muerto” without the size and getting weirder as it progresses. The mood is almost entirely upbeat and bright, with “Bondage Dilemma” seeming like a departure but breaking into a bouncy, Phantom Four-style groove.
You could tell that Moms really took the gravity of their first LP seriously as every single song feels like it not only has ideas, but executes them in a fully developed and enjoyable way.
This is out on LP, CD and digital. It's a great album and it looks like I'm going to have to say this band's name a lot.