EDIT! I'm rescheduling this. Stay tuned.
Storm Surge of Reverb makes its way to your earholes thanks to WTUL 91.5 fm in New Orleans Louisiana. 2 Years ago we put on a killer fundraiser show for WTUL featuring Kill, Baby... Kill! and the Unnaturals and it was a complete success, packing the bar to the gills and making a decent chunk of change for the station. You see, here in New Orleans there's not an awful lot of surf groups and definitely not much of a surf scene. But I have a lot of listeners! If I want to do a Storm Surge of Reverb special, they'll come out!
Keep in mind that this is a fundraiser for a non-profit radio station. We can probably pay for your trip, but any profit from there will be from your merch (band gets a guarantee, WTUL gets anything left from admission, bar gets drink prices). We're all volunteers at WTUL, myself included, all we ever do is promote bands by playing their stuff on the radio. We help you out, if you help us out then hopefully we can both walk away with a really fun night.
I've been given Saturday, February 28th. It's a lot more last minute than I had hoped, we might be able to move it back if absolutely necessary. If you're interested, email releases@stormsurgeofreverb.com