It brings a smile to my face to see that Sandy Nelson is still at it... and he really wanted a smile out of this record. Unless I missed something, the last we heard from him was 2008's Nelsonized by Sandy Nelson and the Sin City Termites. If you haven't heard it, stop everything and do that by any means necessary. It's louder and meaner than anything you've heard from him and it's great all the way through.
These five tracks are a project that Sandy has been fooling around with for 22 years. He plays and records all instruments. This is Sandy Nelson's "I Hear A New World", modest and goofy and swimming in effects. It sets that tone really quickly with the cartoony opening song. The next three tracks show a bit more stomp and drumming focus, and plenty of casiotone keyboards. This is not much of a guitar album, and though Sandy's never really been a surf artist, he's further from that then you'd expect. I'd put "The Wunk" as the closest to classic Sandy, but the whole thing is an experience: a little more than 15 minutes in Veeble World.
This is inevitably going to sound like garbage to a lot of people, but hopefully a few others will hear it as I heard it: a who-cares attempt to put a smile on your face.
You can get a digital version on bandcamp or a cassette from Burger Records. If you want a little more insight into this record and what Sandy's been up to in genearl, there's a great article from the Las Vegas Weekly.