Megatronadores release Wedwedn EP

Megatronadores - Wedwedn EP

I can't find much on Megatronadores outside this bandcamp page - no facebook, website, twitter -  but this looks like their first release and they have my attention! The opening track "Volcanica" is a great trad surf number with a nice and wet guitar tone and a great sense of danger ramped up by a swirling organ in the background. But then on "El Cuero" they start to get a bit more brave, constantly switching the tones of their instruments: surf to fuzz, keyboard to 80's synth, churchbells all of a sudden... and it works surprisingly well! Then "Nazareno Stomp" comes in, an excellent creeper with great patience and a good bounce to it. 

A well done EP and I look forward to hearing what they've got next. Pay-what-you-want.


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