Marshall and the Martins have a blisteringly fast release cycle going, but please don't stand in the way because it seems to be working. This is the best of their stuff so far, with clean but punchy production and great variety. If they're going for something fun and bouncy, it bounces, if it's slow and creepy like the title track, it creeps. It sets out what it wants to do and the results and satisfying!
On a side note, since we last posted about Marshall and the Martins, their guitarist Willie has entered the surf radio ring! Surf Guitars From Mars is over on the online streaming station Surf Rock Radio. You can hear it
Sunday evening at 1900 GMT +8
Tuesday morning 0800-0900 GMT+8
Wednesday evening 2000-2100 GMT +8
or most easily explained One hour after Storm Surge of Reverb!
Anyway, here's the stream of this album. It's pay-what-you-want too!