Spaghetti Western and surf have become closer and closer friends in the 2000's and onward, to the point where by now surf groups have taken the guitar parts of Morricone, broken them down and rearranged them so much as to have built their own vocabulary with them. What I'm saying is that while there's a recognizable Spaghetti Western sound to Los Tiros, nobody is mistaking them for a Sergio Leone soundtrack. It's much wilder, much less restrained, more horsepower (hee haw), more punk than Morricone would ever even think about. And that's not only fine, it rules.
On a quick listen, this record isn't a big departure from their last one, which I'm 100% ok with. It does get a little more playful at times, like the wacky synth noises on "Big Chief", but I don't know anybody that plays spaghetti western at quite this relentless speed, so if that's all they do then so be it! It's a ton of fun.