The High Breaks release Droppin' Off WIth...

Droppin' Off with The High Breaks

Vermont isn't a place that I think of as a surf hotspot. Maybe that's why The High Breaks play the brand of no-frills trad surf that they do: because somebody has to. 10 tracks of surf originals with a strong, bold guitar sound and some great melodies. While most of the record is bright, sunny stuff, I was actually surprised how well they pulled off their few moments of creepiness on "Ankle Breaker" and "Voodoo Wave". I'm glad they went with the sound that they did, but I'm thinking of the sorting hat telling Harry Potter "You would do well in horror surf". The two sounds collide especially nicely in their closer "The Big One".

In addition to bandcamp you can order CDs from them! Give it a listen.


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