As many of you are aware, Davie Allan has not exactly been hibernating: he's been pumping out new material on a steady basis since the 90s. However, they're usually self-released and on CD. So thanks to Joel Grind he's not only seing a vinyl release, but it's on the legendary metal label Relapse. While tribute albums don't usually feature the artist that tribute is being paid to, it does feel like that's what's happening here and it's all very fitting.
Each side is two tracks. Davie's shouldn't surprise Davie fans: both tracks have been on previous albums ("Recycled too" on Retrophonic 4, "Buzz Saw Effect" on Retrophonic). They may have been given a remastering treatment, it does sound a bit louder, not sure.
Joel Grind, though, who's that guy? Apparently he's the frontman of Toxic Holocaust, but I'd be lying if I said I knew anything about them. These tracks are fun though. Peacemaker is a fuzzy biker track, though a bit sludgier and metal-oriented than Davie. "Invisible Landscape" actually seems to borrow a lot from Dick Dale's "Nitro", but piles on some fuzzy atmospherics.
Digital version is a very affordable $4, vinyl is a bit more expensive at a $15 10" record. Kinda pushin' it for Davie tracks I already have on CD, but regardless this is a very cool release.