Arizona's The Coconauts are back with their second LP. It's been a while since I last sat down with their album Get Coco-Naughty, but this one seems creepier and spacier. It's also a bit more focused as an album, with several interstitial bits to accentuate the creepy, spacey feel. Looks like the tracks from their EP I Drove My Car to Heaven found new version on this one as well. I've barely given this album a full listen, but standouts are the great interplay between guitarists on "Re-Entry" and "Black Hole". Love the mysterious and hollow sound of "Astroglide" as well.
The first 17 tracks are the album, and then the next 12 are radio mixes of the songs preceding it. As a radio DJ, that's pretty nifty.
For now you can grab it on bandcamp, but they've got a CD as well that I think follows an upcoming CD release party.