Mark Malibu and the Wasagas were a second wave surf group up in Toronto that have recently reformed. I won't pretend that I already knew that, but I believe this is their second LP and their first recordings since 1981!
Often a reunited surf group is not something to get your hopes up for, but with no frame of reference as to what their old recordings sounded like, this is a damn fine instro record. Their sound is modern trad -- not sounding terribly close to a 60's California record but with a melodic focus and not too many gimmicks. For a punk era band releasing near Halloween, it's actually a pretty clean sound and wants to be heard in broad sunlight. There are two covers: The Super Stocks' "Oceanside" and (showing their roots a bit) The Ramones' "Pet Cemetary". It ends with "Wasaga Run '81" which I believe was recorded back then -- a cool move that lets you know how they've evolved.
All in all, a fun release worth a listen. Oh look, you can do exactly that! They've also got CDs available.