The Concussions hit an amazing middle ground between being absolutely crammed with hooks and being understated. What I find is that this combination makes for an absurd amount of repeat spins in the car, especially as background music. Now, I hate talking about instro as background music, but when everybody finds themselves whistling it when they get out, I think that's OK. The Concussions are able to grab that simpler form of riff-based song-writing that seems left in the 60s and they do it effortlessly.
Their album Break Up With the Concussions is the one that I keep coming back to, and while this one isn't too far away from that tough sound, there's a bit more Link Wray with trashier guitar tones. But then they really go off the rails a bit with the excellent, moody "Flicksville" and the exotic "Brain Bats". My favorite of the bunch is "Have Mersey", which is some great outdoorsey fun with some great keyboard tones that can't help but make you feel good.
On first listen I thought "This is cool, but not 'Break Up With'" but The Concussions' secret weapon is the earworm. I find myself drawn back, and I reckon there's a lot of growing room on this.
And since I couldn't fit it anywhere else, Shawn Dickinson artwork is always appreciated, but love the direction on this one.
Get it from Double Crown!