I've been snatching up old Sir Bald LPs in Discogs not even realizing that he was still pumping out new stuff. Sir Bald Diddley is a favorite for trad-style surf instrumentals that still have that 60's teenage grit and with his new outfit The Ripcurls you can expect more of that great sound and attitude.
He has two new 7"s out: Wrong Gorilla/Hipsville out on Hipsville Records. They have "Wrong Gorilla" up on youtube, though it's not an instrumental. I'm not even certain the other track is instro, but based on Sir Bald's track record I'd wager it is.
The other 7" is The Hairy Shadow/Close Shave. This one has an instrumental up on youtube for you to hear. That youtube video also contains the only place I could find to order it: alopeciarecords at hotmail.com.
I have a hunch that there's more to come.