Everything that The Tremolo Beer Gut has released so far has been quality from start to finish, and this is no exception. This is a live album, all one take or as their drummer put it to me "All is recorded on the same night and all we recorded ended up on the LP". And it sounds exactly like a live album ought to: crisp, all parts audible, energetic, and with the sound of the room clearly audible. They all sounded pretty faithful to the album versions to me, except with more hootin' and hollerin' from the crowd and the band. As somebody that has listened to their back catalog a LOT, I was kind of hoping there might be something new here, but as a fan I can't complain about the song choices as pretty much all of my favorites were accounted for and executed perfectly.
If you haven't been hip to TBG until now, you need to be, and this is a great place to start. Like I said before, I've enjoyed everything they've done and this has the best of their 15+ year lifespan crammed onto one recording (not including any covers, though those were compiled on their last album "Under the Covers With..."). It's available as a digital download, vinyl and CD.