The state of the surf union is strong. As 2017 comes to a close, here's as much of the surf music released this year that I could find.
A few things about it.
- Items that I've written about on this blog are denoted by a *.
- This is really meant to be a complete list... no quality judgements (stay tuned for that!).
- At least half of the album must be instrumental.
- I'm (generously) defining LPs by 7 or more songs.
- Releases with 2-6 songs go in the EPs/Two-Siders category.
- Releases that are just one song can get really messy, so I'm leaving them out.
Every year there are certain people that go above and beyond to find a few that I'm missing. This time I sought them out first. Thanks go out to Nestor Burma (aka UKAY54), Kevin Kamphaus and Leopoldo Furtado Castro of Reverb Brasil. Feel free to let me know of more releases that are missing.
I've attached a poll at the bottom of this to put your vote in for your favorite release of the year. It can be from any category.
Albert Gines - Oceanica
Aloha Haole - Summer on Mars
Aloha Sluts - Let’s Get Wild
Amphibian Man - Babylon *
The Aquaholics - Surfing With Satan
Arno de Cea & the Clockwork Wizards- Flash Freezing the Sun *
Atomicos - Surfodelic
Barron - Surf Trax
Beach Craft Bonanza - Greatest Dips
Beach Creature - Party Scar
Black Flamingos - Neon Boneyard *
Burrito Wolf - Burrito Wolf
Claude de Balzac - Scrotum Sessions
Double Naught Spy Car - The Polite Side of…
Don & the Quixotes - Don We Now
Double Naught Spy Car - The Polite Side of Double Naught Spy Car
Doyley and the Twanglords - Twang Solo *
Dr Phobic and the Phobic Tones - Melophobia *
El Supernaut - Gorilla Fighter *
Forbidden Waves - Tiki Torture
Hell-O-Tiki - Hell-O-Tiki
Guantanmo Baywatch - Desert Center
Infra-Men - The Outer Lariats
Insanitizers - Flying Guitars
Insect Surfers - Datura Moon *
Jaane Haavisto, The Shubie Brothers and Sisters - You Are Here
Ladrones de Guitarras - Aqui No Hay Nadie
Las Olas - Psicodelia Neanderthal Vol. 1 *
Les Vice Barons - Glamour and Barreled Guns (The Demos)
Light Strucks - Light Strucks
Los Cerros - Cuchillito
Los Coronas - Senales De Humo *
Los Daytonas - Directo en Delia Records
Los Javelin - Cocktail Caracas! *
Los Pinche Pinches - Los Pinche Pinches
Los Reverb - Los Reverb
Los Seitans - Mayhem Sessions *
Los Straitjackets - What’s So Funny About Peace, Love and Los Straitjackets
Los TIki Phantoms - Adventuras En Celuloide *
Los Ultraman - Paradigma Jurasico *
Lost Cosmonauts - Gemini
LV’s - LV’s
Man or Astroman? - Live at Third Man Records
Mark Malibu and the Wasagas - Return of the Wasagas *
Matorralman - Adulterio Estereofonico
Megatronadores - Wanglen *
Messer Chups - Taste the Blood of the Guitaracula *
Mike Juno - Five to Ten
Monaci Del Surf - Meet Italian Indie
Movies Star Trash - Ao Vivo Cativeiro bar
Old Black - Garage Dreams
Oskar Benas - OBIC
Radio Ocean - Radio Ocean
RPS Surfers - Harake Gang
Satan's Pilgrims - Siniestro *
Sir Bald Diddley and His Ripcurls - Flip Your Wig!
Spacecramp - El Cigar *
Spitwater - Shreddin'
Spitwater - Kaffeetassee
Spitwater - Gnarly Brown
Spytones - Over the Moon
Supertubos! - Renezvous
Surf Aliens - Coquetel Anunnaki
Surfer Rex - Strange Salvage
Surflamingo - Entrepeñas Bay Terror
Surf Out! - The Album
Surfyer - Surf in Blood *
Surf Zombies - Live at CSPS
Stunt Double - Stunt Double
Terremotor - Terremotor
The Air Cats Band - Garagum *
The Akulas - Rustines
The Anonymous Henchmen - The Coming Thing
The Apaches - Musica Surfica Vol. III & IV
The Atomic Beliveaus - La Bout!
The Bahareebas - Tell Me A Story About *
The Beach Cruzers - The Beach Cruzers
The Calrizians - But Wait! There’s More!
The Cavaleros - Atomic! The Album *
The Chemist & The Acevities - Sounds from Chemistry Town #4 *
The Choppers - The Choppers
The Clams - The Clam Before the Storm
The Compadres - Aguaje
The Cruncher - Stormy
The Deep - The Deep *
The Delstroyers - Diabolical! *
The Doltones - Dance or Die
The Evanstones - Music from the Last Band on Earth
Thee Imperial Royales - I'm Evil
The Fuzillis - Grind a Go Go *
The Gargarins - Vostok 7
The Guitaraculas - Preachers of the Night *
The Isotopes - Play Surf Music *
The Kahuna Kings - Who Wants to Party With...
The Keeymen - The Keeymen
The Las Vegas Stringers - Surfing the Dunes
The Longboards - 9 Surf Shots
The Luvmenauts - Luvmenauts III: Minestra Maritata
The Men in Gray Suits - Panic at the Pier
The Mermen - We Could See It in the Distance
The Nancy Spungen X - The Nancy Spungen eXperience *
The Old Jack - Tsunami
The Out of Limits - Drinking Scotch from the Sull of John the Baptists with the Gunman from the Grassy Knoll *
The Phantom Four - Live at Pacific Parc
The Pulltones - Storm Fisherman
The Quaketones - The Quaketones! *
The Roadkill Dragons - Out of the Dungeon, Onto the Beach
The Splashdowns - Rocket Tales
The Spoils - Farewell to Dignity
The Supertones - Guitar Twango
The Supertones - In a Twango Bag (The Supertones Play Twango)
The Supertones - The Sweet Ride
The Supraphonics - Christmas with the Supraphonics!
The Telestons - Poseidon Knows
The Terrorsaurs - One Night Only
The Tormentos - Ejecutan El Macabro Plan
The Unnaturals - Face the Dreaded Kimono Dragon *
The Weisstronauts - Flat Cold Bottom Greaser *
Trio of Madness - Lost Time
Tsunami Experiment - Lost in the Circuit *
Verne - Instrumental
WJLP - WJLP is Out of This World *
Wrecks House - The Poseur
Zak and the Krakens - Kraken' Surf Classics *
EPs + 2-Siders
Aloha Screwdriver - Above Snakes
Amphibian Man - Apocalypse Now
Arno De Cea & the Clockwork Wizards / Demon Vendetta - Sergent Surf Split Tape
Banzai Hawaii - Surf Eleki Twang Rock
Blackball Bandits - Old Man’s Revenge/Undead Beauty Queen
Boogie Board - Cowabunga
Bruce Lamb - Surf Singles
Bum Shakers - Village Dance
Cheap Violent Cats - Seat Slasher & Tales from the Greasy Spoon
Coast of Ghosts - Typhoon Twist
Coffin Haze - Rehearsal Ritual 2
Culebra & Thee Evolution Surf School - Uncontrollable Waves
Double Naught Spy Car - Songs from the Cloud Vol 1
Double Naught Spy Car - Songs from the Cloud Vol 2
Dr Frankenstein - Santo André e os Maus Rapazes
Five Fingers with Parasol - Si Yo Tuviere Una Longboard… *
Genki Genki Panic - Litanies of Surf *
Genki Genki Panic - Demos, Covers, and Bonus Tracks
Guitar Up - Liquid Sunshine
Johnny and the Waves - Johnny and the Waves Vol 1
King Beez - Rumble Bee EP
Las Yakets - Sentimientos Pantera Vol. 1
Les Venturas - Rétropédalage
Los Antideslizantes - Carabassi
Los Astros - Playa Muerte EP
Los Campeones - Music from the HBO Original Series
The Coffin Wheels - Wolfenfrank Ghoulina Affair
The Coffin Wheels - Fear and Bleating in St. Petersburg
Los Coronados - Sundaze EP *
Los Coyotes Muertos - La noche de Los Coyotes Muertos
Los Deformes - Saturno 5
Los Deformes - B-Sides
Los Drigos - Summer Session
Los Misterios - El Instronauta *
Los Seitans - Instro Extasy
Los Seitans - Mayhem Sessions *
Lost Cosmonauts - Pioneer
Lost Cosmonauts - Ranger
Nishioka Diddley and His One Man Chip - Surfin' With Nishioka Diddley
Nuclear Juarez - Heist
Os Brutus - Samoa
Os Gatunos - Compacto
Paqueta - Surfadelic Dreams *
Phantom Operators - Surf Dopes on Punk
Phatlynx - Huevosaurus b/w Ham Biscuit *
Plato Zorba - Security Breach at the Beach
Pointbreak - Get Wet!
Retrocaine - Back to the 90's *
Santo Morcegos - Lendas Urbanoides
Secret Agent - Pedro Pistola Piñata Party
Sexo on the Gruta - Pororoca's Rithms!
Sir Jackson and the Long Ride - From Now On, You Answer To me
Stories from Shamehill - El Salto Del Jalapeno / Queen of Tides
Surf Manchu - The Beast from the East
Ted Boys Marinos - Bikini Beach
Thálasses - Thálasses
The Coconuts/Grim Lily - Split
The Compadres - Digital 45
The FlameThrowers Surf Band - Pacific Theater
The Fuzilis - Mogul Monster EP
Thee Cormans - Mingo
The Illumignarly - Particle Shore
The Illuminators - Desert Rocks *
The Incredible Catheads - Double Single Release No. 1
The Incredible Catheads - Double Single Release No. 2
The Incredible Catheads - Double Single Release No. 3
The Jagaloons - All Surfed Up
The Kilaueas - The Men from M.E.N.S.C.H.
The Lei Men - Beach Face EP *
The Outta Sites - Shakin' Not Stirred: The Secret Agent Sessions
The Me Gustas - Benthic Exploration
The Mentawais - Surfin' Java
The Mermers - 2017 EP
The Mystery Men? - Embers (no online release)
The Phantom Operators - Witchfinder
The Phantom Surfers - La Harmonica De Russell
The Primitive Finks - Horror Party Stomp
The Razorblades - 15 Years in the Van
The Rentones - Blown & Injected
Repelente de Tubarão - Inferno de Dante
The Revomatics - Nocturnica
The Rough Shapes - Frequency & Vibration
The Sloptones - The Pumpkin Planet: Ghost Run
The Spoils - Halloween/Tubular Bells
The Surfin' Surfers - Surfers' Surf
The Surf Mist - Atlantis Rising
The Surfrajettes - S/T
The Squeegee Men - Coney Island Shark Bite
The Terminators - Lots of SIngles
The Velocity Raptors - The Separation of Surf and Skate
The Voodoo Strangers - Demo
The Wave Chargers - The Wave Chargers Strike Again! *
Ted Boys Marinos - Bikini Beach
Total Death Mechanics - The Nasty Pterodactyl
Total Nightmare - Total Nightmare
Tuareg - Lost Camel
Tutu & the Bodyrockets - One Way Ticket to Pluto
Viernes de Hongos - Return of the Champinons *
The Fathoms - Fathomless
Voodoo Court - Surf’s Not For Pussies
Los Plantronics - The Worst Is Yet To Come (Best of 1995-2017)
Beach, Butts, Burgers and Beers - A Tribute to the Dead Rocks
Bongo Boy Records - Gnarly Wave Vol 2
Messer Chups - Cocktail Draculina Vol. 2