The over-the-the top party feeling that you get from a band name that seemingly promises you both sex and (presumably) butt-shaking feels kind of ironically imposed when you actually listen to this album. It’s not sad or particularly listless or anything, it’s totally danceable, but there’s a sour and strange feeling to this. My first thought was a sort of vaporwave via surf, but I think something closer would be a Twin Peaks comparison. Not so much directly to Angelo Badalamenti, but the feel of the show itself. Strange but nostalgic, underlying wrongness beneath something overtly idyllic. This is reinforced by the VHS instructional tape-styled intro and outro, both overly smiley and comedic.
They’re not the first band that’s gone for this sort of sound, but I think they do a great job of not only hitting the right mood but keeping the songs fun and interesting. It works really well as a short EP, though unfortunately I feel like playing individual songs over the radio don’t convey its strengths.