Two reissued Los Straitjackets albums for absurdly cheap -- benefitting Daddy-O Grande

Los Straitjackets first two albums

Generally I keep this page relegated to playlists, reviews, etc and I try not to do sales and promotional stuff. But I feel like y'all need to know about this.

Not only has Yep Roc , but they're absurdly cheap right now as part of their Best of 2019 sale. Even though I don't typically repurchase records on vinyl, I figured their normal price of $16 each was really fair and according to some of that money goes to Daddy-O Grande/Danny Amis who is recovering from meningitis. When I put it in my cart there were discounts totalling 65% off! So that came out to less than $15 total for both LPs with free shipping.

While you're at it you can also add in this year's Or really the discounts seem to extent to any of their other records once you've gotten the discounts applicable from those.

I'm a little wary about the fact that the page doesn't mention giving to Daddy-O Grande, so if you're skeptical too you can always just , perhaps with the amount of money you saved on these.


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