King Ghidora's been on my radar for a while, but I never caught wind of any prior releases apart from reverbnation updates and the like. Even if it's 3 songs, I'm glad to finally have this band in my library. King Ghidora hail from the Man or Astro-Man branch of the instro family tree, and I reckon they probably prefer the later material. KG's style is aggressive but progressive, with tracks 2 and 3 stretching into prog-psych-surf territory at 6 minute lengths. That's long for surf! The title track is the opener and doesn't waste any time, absolutely slamming through the entire 4 minutes, while the others prefer to build to a breakdown.
From what I gather, physical copies of this are only going out at live shows, but you can digitally grab this EP at Amazon, Google Play, iTunes and the like. No bandcamp that I could find, but looks like you can stream it on spotify.