Had a little bit of trouble with the file, so the first 25 minutes or so were cut off the broadcast. But they're here in the streaming version!
El Ray - Tornado (Shoot from the Hip)
The Bahareebas - Demonica (Sound The Bell For The Last Round)
The Men In Gray Suits - Shark Bait (Shark Bait)
Nebulas - High Tide (Nebula One)
The Bali Lamas - Tahitian Tiptoe (High Times / Low Tides)
The Tormentos - Tormentos Pepper Pot (The Tormentos… Ejecutan el Macabro Plan)
Los Jaguar's - Leyenda India (Sono Radio)
Nuclear Juarez - Cruisin' for a Bruisin' (Nova on the Prowl)
The Creature Preachers - The Horror Of Party Beach (Halloween Hullabaloo)
Night Zoo - Lunar Graveyard (Night Zoo vs. The Cast Iron Mummy)
sallas orchestra - no me mires asĂ (nostalgia do futuro)
The Aqua Barons - Unknown Seas (Extreme Guitar Conditions)
The Quiets - Sentimental sunset (The many faces of)
Vern Jules & The Aquanauts - In The Shadows (Spyforce EP)
Viernes de Hongos - Beso del Payaso (Return of the Champinons)
Thee Orbits - Space Beach (Hiperespacio)
The Atlantics - Adventures in Paradise (Stompin Time)
Les Robots - Scratch Of The Astro Cat (Project World Control)
Los Kosmos - Kosmos (Los Kosmos)
Davie Allan & the Arrows - Arrow Space (Loud Loose and Savage)
Appalachian Surf Team - Penetration (Live at Pilot Light)
The Fathoms - Mimi's Theme (Fathom This!)
Gitkin - Cat Nip (Safe Passage)
Vin Khassen Group - Nomad (Beltway Recording Company: Outer Sounds From The Inner Loop)
Condor Gruppe - Bismantova (4 Track Demo)
The Rough Shapes - Some Strange Way (Lost Stations)
The Coffin Daggers - Instigator (Aggravatin' Rhythms)
Monokini - Systopia (Systopia)
The Mermen - Drive Drive Drive (A Murmurous Sirenic Delirium)
Moms I'd Like To Surf - Messiah Jerk (Beach Control To Major Knob)
Amphibian Man - Sea Treasure (Waves)
The A-Men - Dirty Raygun (Let's Fly to Mars)
El Supernaut - Die Mauer Brechen (Breaking The Wall) Part 3 Of Berlin Trilogy (Gorilla Fighter)
Swami John Reis and the Blind Shake - Dune Rider (Modern Surf Classics)
King Ghidora - Planetary Destroyer (The Secret Origin of an Unknown Planetary Destroyer)
Los Coronas - Cleopatra Stomp (Adios Sancho)