![SCIENCE vs. NATURE](https://stormsurgeofreverb.com/sites/default/files/field/image/screen-shot-2012-01-10-at-5-16-33-pm.png)
The story so far
In 2014 on Storm Surge of Reverb there was a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil fueled by listener dollars. Evil prevailed. The world plunged into darkness.
In 2015, mankind had another shot to conquer the forces of evil using their resourcefulness in science. The listeners answered and SCIENCE prevailed!
In 2016 we live in a world different than we had imagined.
Man has grown arrogant in his scientific pursuits. Man has leveraged his technology unchecked, ignoring the risks and dangers to serve the individual's agenda.
The oceans are polluted and overfished. The polar icecaps are melting. America's gem, New Orleans, is threatened by rising ocean levels.
The earth responds in kind with furious hurricanes and earthquakes threatening the very existence of humanity.
By donating to WTUL, your dollars will choose the direction of today's show.
IF YOU BELIEVE THAT MAN CAN RALLY, LEVERAGE SCIENCE TO RECTIFY HIS MISTAKES AND MAKE PEACE WITH MOTHER NATURE then you should donate to WTUL in the name of SCIENCE. In doing so, the content of today's show will be full of laser noises, rocket sounds, synthesizers and chances are a Man or Astro-Man track.
IF YOU BELIEVE THAT MOTHER GAIA ALWAYS PREVAILS, THAT MANKIND WILL PAY DEARLY FOR ITS TRANSGRESSIONS AND THAT DOLPHINS MIGHT RULE THE EARTH then you should donate to WTUL in the name of NATURE. Expect to hear songs of the sand and sea, of jungles and deserts, and wildlife. You'll hear a lot more traditional surf on this route.
I will be keeping tallies of donations in the name of science and in the name of nature. So if Science has raised $200 and Nature has raised $300, expect to hear more natural instrumentals. But if somebody donates $150 in the name of science 5 minutes later, expect to hear a rocket roaring through your speakers.
How to donate:
You're welcome to donate before the show: that will decide which type of music starts. Though you're welcome to donate over the phone (you get to vocally tell me which side should win), donating online is easier and we get your money immediately, whereas over the phone we will send you an invoice. You're welcome to donate online and then follow it up with a phone call!
To donate online click here.
To donate over the phone call 504 865 5885
Show starts at 4pm central standard time.
This entire website is a ridiculously overwrought attempt to promote this radio show. Radio is something I am passionate about, and doing this radio show fuels my lust for more instrumental music. So if you appreciate what I'm doing with this website, the best way to show it is to make a pledge to WTUL.
You may not listen to WTUL outside of this show, but it gives Storm Surge of Reverb a frequency.
People roll their eyes when a radio station starts its pledge drive, mostly because it takes away from the content you want to hear. First of all, this is an attempt to make it more interesting. Second, this shouldn't keep you from feeling good when you donate. This is about as pure as it gets, an all volunteer station pumping out music to make people feel good. It's completely free for you, it costs us money not just to maintain, but to play songs at all! We pay royalties on the music we play, and then we pay more for streaming them online. That's fine, the bands deserve it (especially since our mission is to play the music that the mainstream doesnt'), but we pay so that you can reap the rewards for free. A donation to WTUL is a way to balance that equation out a bit.
Lastly, this radio show is a strange thing. I can't believe how well-received it is, but people really do seem to enjoy it, and it's definitely one of WTUL's flagship shows. My listeners are usually loyal enough to back that up in dollar amounts, which even for a college radio station (perhaps especially for a college radio station) is what really matters. I just want to keep that up. Show them that the lil' surf show that could still can.