Surf bands from around the world in order of their weighted medal count at the 2024 Olympics. Some places are a stretch, some I straight up couldn't find.
AZERBAIJIAN: Rüstem Quliyev - Ay Dili Dili (Futur Antérieur : Bongo Joe's 5 Years Anniversary)
CROATIA: The Bambi Molesters - Big Time Action (Dumb Loud Hollow Twang De Luxe)
CUBA: Ry Cooder & Manuel Galbán - Los Twangueros (Mambo Sinuendo)
ISREAL: Boom Pam - Surfing Tuba (Alakazam)
BULGARIA: Konstantin Otzetov - Alien Infested Honolua Bay (Surfers vs. Monsters)
IRELAND: Pointbreak - Ming Dynamite (Ming Dynamite)
DENMARK: The Tremolo Beer Gut - Junkie Tools (Nous Sommes The Tremolo Beer Gut, Qui Le Fuck Êtes-vous?)
GEORGIA: nothing!
POLAND: The Surfers - Catch The Wave (Surf Party!)
NORWAY: Euro Boys - Point of no Return (Jet Age)
BELGIUM: Fifty Foot Combo - Hully Gully Stomp (Go Hunting!)
ROMANIA: The Groovy Times - Totally Surf (Ice Cream Season 3 EP)
KENYA: Black Savage - Exotica (Black Savage)
SWEDEN: Langhorns - Stoked (Stoked)
UKRAINE: Amphibian Man - Sea Treasure (Waves)
IRAN: Hassan K - Surfin' Santoor (Decadence of Ispahan)
UZBEKISTAN: nothing!
SPAIN: Los Coronas - Maremoto (Surfin'tenochtillan)
BRAZIL: The Dead Rocks - Banana Hit (Killer Surf Guitar Vol. 1)
HUNGARY: The Keeymen - Hunter (2)
NEW ZEALAND: Mysterious Tape Man - Taniwha (feat. The Tape Wolves) (ESOTERIC SURF TRASH)
CANADA: The Babalooneys - Sittin' On the Line (Sittin' On the Line)
SOUTH KOREA: Mohana - Red Rider (Mohana)
GERMANY: The Kilaueas - Wiki Waki Woooo (Wiki Waki Woooo)
NETHERLANDS: The Krontjong Devils - The Rafter (En Garde)
ITALY: Surfer Joe - A-Frame (Swell of Dwell)
JAPAN: Takeshi Terauchi - Black Sand Beach (Let's Go Wakadaishou)
AUSTRALIA: The Atlantics - Bombora (Bombora)
GREAT BRITAIN: The Shadows - Apache (The Shadows' Greatest Hits)
FRANCE: Les Agamemnonz - Xiphias (Amateurs)
FRANCE: Arno De Cea And The Clockwork Wizards - The Clock Crusher (Rétrofuturisme, vol. 1)
CHINA: Coastal Surf Club - Incantation (Final Round)
CHINA: Boss Cuts - The Beast (Psycho Nite A-Go-Go!)
USA: Satan's Pilgrims - Badge of Honor (Satan's Pilgrims)
USA: Dick Dale - The Victor (At The Drags)