Stream it before it blows away!
Surf-a-tomica - Autentico del Libano (Autentico del Libano)
The Fleshtones - Time Zone (Stomp! Shout! Scream!)
The Halibuts - Shorepound (Halibut Beach)
Ventura Dives - San Fernando Stomp (Ventura Dives)
the journal job - Dr. Rick Marshall Plays Surf Rider (Drunken Monkey Jungle)
The Hidden Reefs - Swordfish (Mystery Lights)
Conrad and the Hurricanes - Hurricane (45)
The Centurians - Sano (Bullwinkle pt. 2)
The Stardusters - Rumble Bumble (45)
Sir White and His Sounds - Doin' the Scratch (45)
The Revels - The Monkey Bird (aka Conga Twist) (intoxica!!! the best of the revels)
Duane Eddy - Sweet Cindy (Girls! Girls! Girls!)
king pelican - mosura (east meets west)
the patukatus - etorkizuna atso iritsi zen (the patukatus)
jay poison and the bat people - the bat people (terror of the bat people)
egotones - inside rain (single)
coffin daggers - the ghoul (single)
spike marble - theme from the "murderqueen" (single)
VERN jules & the aquanauts - the devils tail (the devils tail)
dracula factory - the dracula factory stomp (the dracula factory... stomp)
beach bomb - night surf (single)
the mighty minnows - jeepers creepers (monster jam)
9th wave - hurricane (revisited) (victory at sunset)
wadadli riders - hurricane season (made in antigua)
the apaches - the apaches take off! (diabolik)
the fathoms - flaming arrow (overboard)
jan davis - time funnel -
the atlantics - bombora (banjo mix) (the next generation)
the cosmic sand dollars - critical density (Let's go critical Density)
WOLF! - tomahawk cop (1-800-WOLF!)
Pelomono - Malaguena (para jaen) (Gibraltar)
diesel marine - the long way to grand marai (staycation)
insect surfers - delmarva ("infra green)
insect surfers - delmarva (infra green)
blackball bandits - alert! (the lost mission)
the concussions - have mersey (newaygo sound machine)
bang! mustang! - giant zora (surfin' NSA)
the volcanics - revel rally (forgotten cove)
messer chups - saloon bloodweiser (church of reverb)
the mystery men? - the devil you know (sonos delirium)
el ray - justin case (the evil mermaid)
surfer joe - a-frame (swell of dwell)
the tomorrowmen - phistful of photons (it's about time!)