Playlist! Cover show 4/1/19

Playing ketchup with thiese old playlists

The Surfrajettes - Toxic (Party Line/Toxic)
Mark Malibu and the Wasagas - great white wedding (Crash Monster Beach)
Satan's Pilgrims - Godfather (Around the World With)
Shark Attack!! - Gorbashark (Chum Punch)

Blue Wave Theory - Time Is On My Side (Beachcombing)
the hollywood persuaders - Satisfaction (drums a-go-go)
aloha screwdriver - paint it black (the 6th kfjc battle of the bands)
The Dave Clark Five - I walk the line (Telstars, Mexicans, Manhunts & Wonderful Lands)
The Jarnos - Paranoid (Surfin' & Rollin')

the ramonetures - Rock and Roll High School (Ramonetures)
arabas negras - get back (Benefit of Mr. Kitesurfer)
Tikiyaki 5-0 - Eleanor Bigsby (Tone Control)
The Reverbivores - The Man Who Sold The World (Orbit to Intercept)
The Red Planets - Rebel Rebel (Ziggy Played Surf Guitar)
Tremolo Beer Gut - Pet Sounds (Under the Covers with..)

Thee Wilt Chamberlain - X-Files Theme (Purity Control)
surfpatrouille - Surfin' Marge (venus pussy polka riot)
surflamingo - Juego de Surfers (Game of Thrones) (EntrepeƱas Bay Terror)
Messer Chups - twin peaks twist (heretic channel)

The Space Rangers - Das Model (Ready to Take off!)
The Charades - Like a Virgin (all around the world with)
miki y los doras - 69 globos rojos (buaaah chaval!!!)
sys malakian - hey ya (Me and the Reverb vol. 1)

Phantom Four - A Forest (Morgana)
Simon Jones - Spider-man (instrumentals vol. 1)
los holy's - Reunion Sicodelica (cissy strut) (45)
The Knockers - Night Drive (suomalaisia rautalankaaanityksia)
The Real Gone - Get Lucky (The Real Gone)

The Tomorrowmen - Tunak Tunak Tun (Futourism)
The New Waves - Turning Japanese (Volume II)
El Supernaut - let's lynch the landlord (plays half dead)
Ray Corvair Trio - Kashmir (Slick)
Genki Genki Panic - Zelda II The Adventures of Link Palace Theme (Demo)
The Cholla - Kokri Forest (Link of the Surf Guitar)
The Isotopes - Indiana Jones (Play Surf Music)
The Mermers - London Dungeon (2017 EP)
The Mag Seven - sleepwalk (knife to a gunfight)


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