The Head Henchmen - Opener (Oh no! It's the Head Henchmen)
WJLP - chinchilla con queso (Uncle Henry's Magic Shizzle)
The Bomboras - Mile Zero (head shrinkin' fun)
Said the Ripper - Emma Peel out (Shadow Alley)
Toro Jones - Unraveler (Toro Jones EP)
The Incredible Heavies - Blackball Rebellion (Blackball Rebellion)
Johnny Devlin's Devils - Rumble (45)
The Bloopers - Blooper Morse Code (45)
The Nitecaps - Sassy Frug (FRUG!)
The Charts - Ooba Gooba (Las Vegas Grind Part two)
The Buddies - skateboard u.s.a. (Go Go With the Buddies)
The Ventures - Ginza Lights (Go with the Ventures)
man... or astroman? - Mouthful of Exhaust (Live! Transmissions from Uranus)
Dr. Frankenstein's Laboratory - Am 666 (crime scenes and murder songs)
Huevos Rancheros - 64 slices of american cheese (Dig In!)
The Thurston Lava tube - Peruvogator (the pink elephant with nipples for tusks)
surf zombies - Don't Let the Admiral Out (Something Weird)
The's - Jane in Jungle (Bomb the Twist)
Magic Number - Darling, Darling (Ampersand)
Burt Rocket - Wave Vehicle (Fiberglass Frenzy)
The Aquasonics - The Pier (Return to Earth)
The Torquays - Milagro del Mar (live) (Return Engagement)
Rondo Hatton - Storm Surge (breaking the sound barrier)
los coronas - go kato go (surfin' tenochititlan)
hypnotide - and then the sharks came (landlocked)
El Supernaut - Bang Your Head (Gorilla Fighter)
The Mighty Gordinis - Monsieur Michalon (Kiss My Wheels)
Los Protones - Centauri (MisiĆ³n:OA4)
Los Javelin - El Toro (Cocktail Caracas)
The Mutants - Cachaca Rumble (mutacalypso now!)
Puta Madre Brothers - El Toro Bravo (queso y cojones)
Glasgow Tiki Shakers - Buumu (In Venice)
The Ventures - Eight Miles High (Go with the Ventures)
Outronaut - Jag Wire (Episodes)
the infrareds - The Rambo Kid (Sounds from the Darkroom)
surf coasters - Mad Soldier (surfdelic)
captain ahab & the sea cracken - Surf Ninja (captain ahab & the sea crackens)
The Isotopes - pearl harbor necklace (Play Surf Music)
molokai - attack of the radiation crabs (you surf, we send piranhas)
The Cave 4 - Blast Off (Bikini Crash)
The Astroglides - Mystic Sphinxter (Sewer Surfing With...)
Rapido T Lusso - Suicide Bay (Caffeine Racer EP)
Abdul & Cleopatra - Surfin Bumblebee (Surfing with Friends)
The mermers - Skeleton Bay (2017 EP)
Fifty Foot Combo - The Brain From Planet X (Go Hunting)