Surprise appearance from King Louie who talked about Man or Astro-man, Pendletons etc.
west samoa surfer league - Stampede (moments of truth pt. 2)
the intruders - The Intruder (7")
the tormentos - lightning bolt (death drop)
Cheap Violent Cats - John Law Rides Again (Seat Slasher & Tales from the Greasy Spoon)
jaguar and the savanas - Channel Zero (wet side stories)
Paul Revere and the Raiders - orbit (the spy) - 45
the challengers - deadline - 45
The Caps - The red-headed flea - 45
moe koffman quintet - koko-mamey - 45
the storms - thunder - 45
the telstars - Stomp Happy - 45
the x-terminators - x-termination (strummin mental volume 4)
man... or astroman? - Eric Estrotica (posession by remote control)
The Royal Pendletons - smokin' (7")
The Royal Pendletons - royal blood part II (7")
The Royal Pendletons - Losing Hand (7")
Missing Monuments - Love you back to life (Missing Monuments)
Guantanamo Baywatch - Scavenger (Desert Center)
messer chups - Girl in Orbit (Taste the blood of guitaracula)
the aqualads - el spectre (hotbox)
The Insanitizers - Disappearance (Flying Guitars)
The Nicky Kay orchestra - organ rush (Barrier Reef)
Italian Surf Academy - Smoke: Viper Vapor (Barbarella Reloaded)
megatronadores - Condornauta (Wanglen)
Jenny and the Felines - Psychedelic Sea (Gnarly Wave)
oskar benas - Pericolossus (OBIC)
los pinche pinches - los pinche pinches (skeet mountain)
gangrena surf - El Brujo (quemar - hundirse - profanar -refractar)
Los Yakets - Hot Rod (Sentimientos Pantera Vol 1)
the irradiates - mahlerbologie (revenge of the plants)
Matt Heaton and the Electric Heaters - Mystic River Pipeline (Electric Heaters)
Night Birds - hope for the best (expect the worst) (monster surf)
the royal fingers - test driver (wild eleki deluxe)
the revomatics - Curb Stomp (Nocturnica)
Tsunami Experiment - Found in the Circuit (Lost in the Circuit)
The Anonymous Henchmen - Bust a Deal, Face the Wheel (The Coming Thing)
Matorralman - Chicas Kamikaze (Guateque Estelar)