Playlist 6-29-15

I was out of town on 6/6 so my brother took over. No playlist for that show. Here's the playlist from roughly 2 weeks ago though

the intoxicators - human cannonball (journey to the center of the earth)
terror waves - Olas del terror (terror waves ep)
los protones - Medusa (20 monstruos 2007-2015)
born losers - be seeing you (cycle guitars)

van doren - huntington beach - 45
the royal rockers - jet II - 45
the losers - saxy guitar - 45
sandy nelson - alligator boogie - 45
Kings V - honky tonk cha cha - 45
don & the goodtimes - turn on - 45

Docteur Legume et Les Surfwerks - 2001: cerveau salade (la planete sauvage: 10 songs about sex & psychopathy)
the good the bad - 25 (from 018 to 033)
toni ok - stormy night ride (golden guitar mood)
dr frankenstein - sneaky surf (in 4 dimensions)
the okay-men - boiler swing (auf kassette)
Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet - hot box car (dim the lights, chill the ham)

krla top elminiator - bobby fuller (never to be forgotten)
the roosters - chicken hop - 45
the big beats - rush me - 45
intruders - jeffrie's rock - 45
john taylor - taylor's rock (Jungle Exotica v. 2)
the midnite riders - tiger lilly - 45

burt rocket - hang twang (fiberglass frenzy)
los tiki phantoms - evasion y victoria (y el misterio del talisman)
stereophonic space sound unlimited - wheelspin (the spacesound effect)
les vice barons - shark face suzy (the model ep)
the atlantics - tahitian waters (the complete cbs recordings)
the hunters - how m'chicks (telstars, mexicans, manhunts & wonderful lands)
dick dale - riders in the sky (king of the surf guitar)

slobodan experiment - gankino (electric surf school)
sonido gallo negro - coup de poudre (sendero mistico)
the son of p.m. - pone tala ponelum jow praya (shadow music of thailand)
Pollo Del Mar - a flash of green (The Golden State)

the reigning monarchs - Sea Ghost (single)
mofos - enrico diablo (six pack performance)
fifty foot combo - triplexpresso (caffeine)
bomboras - earthquake (organ grinder)
the apemen - shake your hoover (7 inches of love)
the chemist and the acevities - melinite is fune when it blows up a police station (the anarcho surf laboratory co)
man... or astroman? - tomorrow plus x (project infinity)
the irradiates - gotcha (first radiations)
johnny carbonaras - hiastos (johnny carbonaras)
the out of limits - a boy and his dog (the "rough masters" demo EP)
the hot rodders - spirit of america (big hot rod)


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