Los Straitjackets - Hornet's Nest (The Velvet Touch of Los Straitjackets)
The Intoxicators - The Great Snatch of '05 (Journey to the Center of the Earth)
The Bahareebas - Moai from Outer Space (Tell me a Story About)
TarantinosNYC - Shindig (Bongo Boy Records: Gnarly Wave, Vol. 2)
Said the Ripper - Emma Peel Out (Shadow Alley)
The Galaxies - Ad Lib (Wailin' Boogie)
Thom Starr & The Galaxies - Woodie Welcome Wagon, Pt. 1 (South Bay Surf: Anthology 1963-1964)
The Riviaires - Mocolotion (It Came from the Beach: Surf, Drag & Rockin' Instros from Downey Records)
The Starfires - Somethin' Else (#1 Surf Album of All Time)
The Jordans - Anda (Suspense)
Black Widows - Satan's Swamphouse (Swamp Rock City - EP)
Amphibian Man - Purification (Ether)
DREBIN - 222-R-O-T-O-R (The Arrival)
The Tormentos - Empire (GHR-2025 Sampler)
The Stingers - No Stopping (No Stopping!! Hypnotising Exotica and 60's Rock'n'roll Music, Vol.3)
Atomic 7 - She's Got Haggar Party Slacks (Gowns by Edith Head)
Satan's Pilgrims - Riot on the Seaside Strip (Riot on the Seaside Strip)
Los Frenéticos - Magnetizado (Teletransportación)
Introducers - If I Had Wheels (Close Ups)
The Goldentones - Lolly Vegas (Atmosphere)
The Panasonics - Introducing the Inscrutible Panasonics (45)
Eldanka - Fatal Apogee (Twanging Tritones)
The Wave Chargers - Kyokunomi (Caravelle)
The Madeira - Sahar (Carpe Noctem)
The Desolate Coast - Beyond the Event Horizon (Without A Planet)
Jon & The Nightriders - Amor Del Mar (Rumble at Waikiki – The John Blair Anthology)
Michiya Mihashi and Takeshi Terauchi and the Bunnies - ???????? (– ????????/???)
Takeshi Terauchi and the Bunnies - Usukudara (45)
Los Belkings - Séptima Patrulla (Los Belkings)
The Grunions - Dr. Phantom (Star Fish Prime)
The Surfin' Surfers - Penetration (Surfers' Surf)
The Bikini Men - Poland Girl (Stampede Party)
Colt Cobra - Blood Beach (Split: Gasolines X Colt Cobra)
Robert Johnson and Punchdrunks - Getaway (Aloha from Havana)
Cannibal Mosquitos - Comanche Heroes (Surfin' Heroes Party)
Bobby's Bar - Brain Dead House -
Threesome - Snow Surf (Adriatica)
The Infrareds - Number One on the Spectrum of Light (Recorded on Microfilm)
Demon Vendetta - Massive Surfing Capacity (Vigilante Surf)
Lone Rider - Lone Rider (Chapter One)