The state of the surf is strong! This was another big year for surf music both in quality and quantity. These year-end lists are an attempt to convey this in at least some quantitative fashion. Clearly another year of turmoil and disease didn't keep people from making music, and thankfully this year we started to get back to performing live!
A few things you should know about this list:
- This is nothing more than a list. There is no judgement involved. That's what the Gremmy Awards are for. If you want to spin the wheel and listen to one at random, do so at your own peril!
- Traditionally, I have defined an LP as having 8 or more songs or over 25 minutes of music. You have to draw the line somewhere or else it's chaos. This year I modified the EP category to be titled EPs and Mini-Albums, as 7 songs does feel a little long for an EP.
- Also for the first time, I've renamed Compilations to include "Single-Artist Compilations". Greatest Hits and the like.
- I did not include single releases. It's hard enough to compile what I have. Minimum two songs.
- Release has to be at least 50% instrumental.
- Some of these are very questionable in terms of whether you could call them surf. In general if a band called themselves surf music and they're instrumental and have guitars, I let them on.
Thanks go to Uwe, Kevin and Antonis for scanning this for omissions. If there's more that I should add, please either comment or email me at releases@stormsurgeofreverb.com.
- 12AX7 - Rescue at Nazaré
- Albert Ginés y sus Oceánicos - En La Isla Del Fin Del Mundo
- Amphibian man - Seven
- Arno de Cea & the Clockwork Wizards - Retrofuturisme Vol. 2
- Astrosurf - Anything But...
- Barbacoa - Pharoah's Camaro
- Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion - Live at the Worthen 7/28/2017
- Big Mick and the Curl - Dune
- Blackball Bandits - the Cursed Island
- Caupoliqueen Surf Combo - s/t
- Chillingsworth Surfingham - s/t
- Chung Kings - Presents Surf-O-Tica
- Cliff Jetson and his Mirage Men - s/t
- Coastal Surf Club - 難忘的衝浪歌曲 no.1
- Crystal Shit - Earth Fed
- David Walsh - Man-o-War
- Davie Allan and the Arrows - Cyclelogical
- Deathpod - Grim Reaper Beach Party Blowout: Part Three: Offseason
- De Gringos y Gremmies - The Band from Laramie
- Egotones - Geodesic Dome
- El Borko - Surf Monster
- El Delmonico - Flashback
- Eric Kay and the Surfaronies - Flea Circus
- Ethan Luck - The Golden West
- Everglades Rhythm - Vol. 3
- Found Drowned - Not Bad!
- Frogmen - Missing Link
- Gasolines/Colt Cobra - Gasolines X Colt Cobra
- Ghost Reef - s/t
- Girl Over Planet - Intergalactic Cowboys & Space Wind Surfers
- Gold Dust Lounge - Gold Dust Lounge Live Series #1
- Greg Townson - Off and Running!
- Guns of Utopia - A Million Flies Can't Be Wrong
- Jason Janik - AM Waves
- Jay Poisön and the Bat People - Escape from the Bat People
- Jet Haggis - TV21
- Jim and the Sea Dragons - Alinia
- JJ and the Trash Dogs - Donde Estas
- Jubarte Ataca - Das Profundezas, Emerjo!
- K.V. Raucous & the Cave Dwellers - Beach Party at Drac's
- Kelp Dwellers - Surfacing
- Kent South and the Tidal Waves - Wasted Space
- King Beez - Surfony 19
- Kreeps - Long Gone Gulch
- Les Agamemnonz - Amateurs
- Les Robots - 12 Favorites from Planet Earth
- Little Kahuna - Little Kahuna
- Los Vaccine - Surfrock for Motion Picktures
- Loungezotica 3000 - Martian 9
- Low Cowabungas - Bahía Volcánica
- Magnatech - Introducing...
- Mandelbaum - Cumbiabilly Surf
- Manic Vila - Drained
- Manic Vila - Who the Hell Knows?
- Manic Villa - Manufactured Conversations
- Martin Cilia - Everest
- Mercedes Culebra - Surf
- Messer Chups - Visiting the Skeleton in the Closet
- Middle Finger and his Fingertips - Fingerprints 1999
- Mike Brookfield - Hey Kiddo!
- Molokai - Enter the Dragor
- Norby's Filthy Guitar - Lonely Guitar
- Now That's What I Call Surf - Volume One
- Nuclear Juarez - Exil
- Nuclear Juarez - Bomb the Surf
- Os Brutus - Primitivo & Civilizado
- Pekka Laine - The Enchanted Guitar of Pekka Laine
- Plaidapuss - The Sophisticated Surf Sounds Of...
- Proots - Free Your Farts
- Répéter - Bad Twang
- Santa Anna Bay Coconuts - Harbor City Surfing
- Seafoam Tsunami - Return of the Swell
- Shoot the Pier - Chill
- Sirfjsh - Break the Silence
- Sleep Terror - Above Snakes
- Son de Huesos - Armonía de las Esferas
- Spytones - Spytones 3
- Sting Kong - Sting Kong
- Strange Waters - Deep Dive
- Superdune - Superstition Mountain
- Surf Dawgs - Play the Beatles
- Surf Zombies - In Color
- Surfer Joe - World Traveler
- Surfistas No Muertos - Graveyard Party Hits
- Tangentg - Classical and Folk Beach Party
- Tangentg - 東方秘封情報部 ~ Tôhô Spies and Private Eyes
- Tanque Rudy - El Fabuloso y Estridente Sonido de Tanque Rudy en vivo en Kaysurf
- Terreur Twist - Hotep California
- The Anglers - Music for Fishing
- The Avocados - ¡Ensalada!
- The Breakers - Torch Light
- The B. Christopher Band - Surfing with a Vintage Lady
- The Capacitors - Hang 10101010101010101010
- The Cholla - Anthropocene
- The Creature Preachers - Unearthed
- The Cruncher - X
- The Del Sotos - s/t
- The Desolate Coast - Time Slips Away
- The Diamondheads - Hot Sand
- The Dirty Licks - Dusty Boots and Snake Skin Suits
- The Frogenstein - Surf Clusters
- The Ghosts of Searchlight - Sprawl
- The Grizzly Adams - California Screamin 2
- The Grizzly Adams - California Screamin'
- The Grizzly Adams - Kitchen Sink Surf
- The Hamiltones - Dracula Invitational, 1791
- The Hamiltones - Live at the Jungle Gym
- The Hang Ten Gallon Hats - Giddy Up Surfboard
- The Incomprehensible Static - Transmitting LIVE from the FUTURE
- The Incredible Mr Smith - The TAD Files: Secret Tales of Tubes, Tolex & Tweed
- The Insanitizers - Reverb Rockets
- The Isotopes - Pick Your Brains
- The Keeymen - 2
- The Kreeps - Long Gone Gulch
- The Mermen - Splendeurs et Miseres
- The Metalunas - Interstellar Surf Party
- The MIA - Motherfucker in Action
- The Mighty Gordinis - Sounds from a Distant Galaxy
- The Mulchmen - Live Mulch
- The Razorblades - Twangle Bells
- The Routes - Instrumentals II
- The Routes - Shake Five
- The Royal Aces - Riot on the Beach
- The Screaming Seagulls - Wet 'n Wild
- The Secret 4 - The Secret 4
- The Sex Wax Boys - Meet The Sex Wax Boys
- The Sickies - Sickies are Sick!
- The Silicon - Woody Goes to Nice
- The Space Age Travellers - Spaceology
- The Special Agents - Her Majesty's Secret Surfers
- The Starhoppers - Nominal AF
- The Surfbeat Club - Shakedown and More Hipshakin' Bronco Beats
- The Surf Hermits - Hang Zen
- The Surfaders - Shaken and Disturbed
- The Surfki - s/t
- The Surfle Jerks - Haunted Hops: Live at Brew Game Plus 3
- The Swongos - Curious Tourist
- The Terrorsurfs - The Gospel According to Reverend Tonto
- The Tremolo Beer Gut - You Can't Handle...
- The Underwater Bosses - The Night Divides the Ride
- The Wangs - Halloween Party
- The Young Barons - Hella California
- Tragic Vision - Motel Songs
- Trio Koko - Taruko I
- Twang Inspectors - Surf Ride to Ihy
- Urban Surf Kings - Torrance (Live in California)
- Vern Jules & the Aquanauts - The Spectre
- Volcano Kings - Lonesome Cybernetic Drifter on Mars (Or Lo-Fi Morricone-Esque in Space)
- Wet Wizards - s/t
EPs and Mini-Albums
- 12AX7 - #ihateeverything
- Adios Beaches - Wave Goodbye
- Agent Flipper - Jumpin' Out of the Bay
- Agent Octopus - Christmas on the Pier
- Alberta Beach - Prairie Flashbacks
- Alberta Beach - s/t
- Alewife - The Quarantiki Tapes
- Atomic Drag - Atomic Drag EP
- Atomic Surfonic - Shaken. Not Stirred
- Atomic Tourists - EP
- Audio Mocha - The Radventure of Link
- Bamboogie Injections - Orbit Chaos
- B. Confidential & The Secret Four - Black Is The Colour Of My Baby's Soul/Satan Is Her Name
- Big Swell Drifters - Deadman's Reef
- Black Valley Moon - Spectral Melodies Vol. 1
- Bobby Marsh and the Deep Ones - Odyssey in N.Y.
- Bodhi & the Zephyrs - The Third Wave
- Boss Freak - Party at Dracula's Beach House
- Canibal Surf - Deep Danger
- Carl Satan - O Mundo Assombrado Por Idiotas
- Catiara - Catiara
- Catiara - s/t
- Charades - Plays Exciting Rock Instrumental Hits
- Cheap Violent Cats - Keep 'Em Peeled (AV Archive Sessions)
- Cheap Violent Cats - Pandemonium in our Quirky Town
- Cheap Violent Cats - Punk is Dad
- Chrome Castle - Forts
- Cliff Jetson and his Mirage Men - End of the Trail
- Cobras D'água - Vol 1
- Cobras D'água - Vol 2
- Coffin Wheels / The Sloptones - Night Cry of the Vampire
- Danger!! Death Ray - Space Age Jimmy
- Danger!! Death Ray / Green Reflectors - In Space / Volume 3.5
- Desdenova - Seacliff SB (EP)
- Destructoide! - Pandemonium
- Didi Wray - Once Upon a Time in Tijuana
- Diesel Marine - Pink Reverb EP
- Dipygus/Cosmic Reef Temple - split
- Doctor Calamari - Here's That Sick Squid
- Doctor President - Doc Pres
- Eddie Diablo and the Diablettes - I Wanna Hole Your Flank
- El Borko - Surficana
- El Castillo - Derecho
- Escaping the Tube - Escaping the Tube
- Eskimo Lunettes - 1.
- Fathoms - Dead Man's Cove / Surfin' The Fear
- Footstep Surf Music Band - Space Mission
- Found Drowned - Untested
- Franky's Chop Shop - Franky's Chop Shop
- Full Load of King - Hula Blue Aloha Cocktail
- Genki Genki Panic - Mutronics
- Genki Genki Panic - The Munge
- Greg Ruby - Experiments in Surf Music
- Guitar Up! - Surfed Up Jazz Classics
- H. Zombie - Surfin' Dead
- Haiattacke - Aah Haiataccke EP 1
- Haunted World - Haunted Rock
- High Castle Teleorkestra - Valisystem A / Klawpeels: Mission Checkup
- HJ & the Constellations - Tubular Spectacular
- Hypnotzar - Travel & Entertainment
- I Fat Tones - Surf Christmas
- Janglin' Jack - Longrider
- Jim and the Sea Dragons/The Surf Hermits - The Beat from 20,000 Fathoms
- Lazer Gun Saloon - BABAKANOOSH
- Lazer Gun Saloon - Seven Weighs More
- Lazer Gun Saloon - Sinspiration
- Le Grand Miercoles - Erase Una Vez Un Western
- Les Atlantiques - Lost Tracks
- Les Robots - Standoff at Planet 'T'
- Lewis Bailey - Pink Slip/Hot Foam Rider
- Los Bang - Zombie
- Los Blue Marinos - Big Mamma
- Los Dedos - s/t
- Los Fuckin' Surfer Smokers - En Vivo
- Los Gnomos Gnosticos - Vätö Vatos 4 ever
- Los Rotundos - (Capítulo 1) Aventuras Instrumentales en el siglo XXI
- Los Seisiete - MONTESA
- Los Surfer Compadres - Navajas Trilogía
- Los Vaccine - Gaidai Comedy's
- Los Vaccine - Los Vaccine EP Album
- Los Vaccine - Soviet Surfcover
- Los Vaccine - Soviet Surfcover 2
- Los Vaccine - Soviet Surfcover 3
- Los Vaccine - Эльдар Рязанов
- Louie Zong - Surfin' GBA
- Magnatech - Bundoran
- Magnatech - Cymopoleia
- Magnatech - Surfing the Tolka!
- Man...or Astro-Man? - Space 1991
- Manic Vila - CYA
- Mar Caribe - Hymn of the Mar Caribe b/w Rondo for Unemployment
- Mariachi Death Squad - A Very Mariachi Christmas!
- Merlinouz - Ghost Surfer / Haunted Sandcastles
- Messer Chups - Dracula Hates Killer Icicles
- Messer Chups - New Wave or Surf Wave
- Messer Chups/Aloha Swamp - Sparkling Man
- Mike and the Meteors - Signals from Uranus
- Mikrowelle - The Dark Side of the Casiotone
- Mr Blonde Says - In Red
- No Springs - De-mon-stra-tiv
- Nuclear Juarez - Fathom 420
- OONGOW - It Lives
- Operazione Dyn-o-Mite! - The First Riders
- Ouija Chords - Jupiter Talisman
- Peopleperson - Woof!
- Peopleperson - Yeah!
- Perro Agradecido Cumbia + Pelomono - En Vivo para EfervecentES del Centro Cultural España
- R.CK - Take Me To the Beach
- Rasmús "Michelle" Pasmús - et les "Bad Shakes"
- Raul Cabezali - El Surfero Torero (y Desechos de Tienta)
- Sex on the Beach - Gasoline
- Shinela Surf Rock - s/t
- Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th - Beach Wail
- Skoteenas - Sepentarium
- Son de Huesos - Instruments of Horror
- Square Surfers - The Lennon Cloths are Ready (demos)
- Steve Bulinkski - Undiscovered Treasures
- Sundias - Intracoastal Turnaround b/w Devil's River Highway
- Surfistas No Muertos - Ride the Coffin
- Surfmaster - The Amazing Surf 7"
- Svmmer Kamp - Summertime Madness
- Talisman - Love buzz / Jedan - Osam
- Te De Wanto - En Vivo Vulgar Fest
- Terreur Nocturne - s/t
- The 3th Wave - En El Pico
- The Bobby Lee Combo - Drummatic
- The Bomboras - The Return of the Up Up Sound
- The Brain Waves - The Sultan's Night Out
- The Burial Quartet - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
- the Cranzers - Soyuz Apollo
- The Currie Brothers - Christmas with the Currie Brothers II
- The Curse of Harry Dean - My Love, The Wind and the Waves/Peroxide Blonde
- The Desolate Coast - This Can't Be A dream
- The Divisionaires - Surf EP
- The Flower Smellers - 3-4
- The Flower Smellers - 5-6
- The Flower Smellers - 6-7
- The Flower Smellers - 7-8
- The Flower Smellers - 9-10
- The Frankensteins - A Roof Session
- The Freshwater Four - Get Your Surf Together
- The Green Reflectors - Reindeer Vacation
- The Green Reflectors - Volume 3
- The Grizzly adams - Coasteering
- The Grizzly Adams - Coasteering
- The Grizzly Adams - The Return of Magnetron
- The Groovy Times - Ice Cream Season EP
- The Guantanamos - Asylum Escape
- The Isotopes - Zombie Accomplishments
- The Me Gustas - Say Goodnight
- The Me Gustas - Soundtrack of Our Youth
- The Mysterics / The Creature Preachers - Attack from Mondo Reverb
- The Nuclear Undead - Attack of the Nuclear Undead
- The Panicatz - Catz Twang
- The Phantom Operators - Into the Wasteland
- The Pseudos - Live Demo
- The Royal Pacifics - Play Telstar Twist and Gypsy Beat
- The Secret Reygents - Dive Don't Drown
- The Slimetones - Turtle Pond
- The Slimetones - Turtle Robot
- The Sparks Boys - Twistin Party
- The Surf Junkies - Meet...
- The Surf Serpents - Beach Day
- The Surfer Novas - Sporadic Intergalactic
- The Tarantinos - Durango Twist / El Guapo
- The Terrorsurfs - 2 Covers 1 Remix
- The Tremolo Beer Gut - X-Mas Date at the Snow Club b/w The Tremolo Death Wray (From The Guts Of Hell)
- The Velouras - The Velouras EP
- The Void Surfers - Void Surfer
- The Wet Ones - The Monster of Jungle Island
- The Zombrain - Two Surf Versions From Cicade Sem Limites
- This That and the Other Thing - Ease Drop
- Tiki Riot - A Strange and Terrible Demo
- Trieste - The Black Squall
- Tsunamish - Fenomerama
- Voodoo Surf Tribe - The Psyched EP
- We Surf At Night - II
- Wiped Out - Dude, That Was Gnarly
- Wiped Out - Sweet Almond Eyes
- Zerox - April 2021
- Zerox - August, 2021
- Zerox - February 2021
- Zerox - January 2021
- Zerox - July 2021
- Zerox - June 2021
- Zerox - March 2021
- Волны Советов - К звёздам!
Reissues and Single-Artist Compilations
- Demony - Apache
- Frankie and the Poolboys - The Wet Season
- Gein and the Graverobbers - Hang Ten 8-Track
- Genki Genki Panic - Spooky Fingers
- Jim Messina and his Jesters - The Dragsters
- Les Jaguars - Guitare Jet
- Les Jaguars - Guitare Jet/Attaque (Hyperloop Records)
- Les Talismans / Les Jaguars - Surf Quebecois
- Los Reverb - Surf the Waves of Music With...
- Miroslav Kefurt - Singing Guitar
- Perro Agradecido Cumbia - 2011-2021
- The Atlantics - Flight of the Surf Guitar 21st Anniversary Edition
- The Blue Stingrays - Surf 'n burn
- The Concussions - Cinema Cineplex
- The Concussions - Frankenstein Friday
- The Corals - The Complete Recordings
- The Ghastly Ones - Unearthed
- The Pottyshots - Complete Discography
- The Sandals - Endless Summer Soundtrack
- The Surf Raiders - Raiders of the Lost Surf
- The Surf Raiders - Surf Bound
- The Surf Serpents - Singles & B-Sides
- An Evening with Vincent Price
- Great British Twang!
- Mark Malibu Presents: Surfin' Kitty X-Mas 2
- Orchestra Pit's Reverberation
- Sabor Surf
- Surf You Next Tuesday
This is... something. I wasn't really sure what to do with it.