The Bomboras - Planet of the Ape Hangers (The Return of The Up Up Sound)
The Kanaloas - Toxica (Surf a Go Go!)
The Head Henchmen - Business As Usual (Oh No! It's The Head Henchmen)
The Supertones - Subway (Made in Japan)
The Surfintynes - Surfin' the Baja (Surfin' the Baja)
The Astronauts - Movin' (7")
Dick Dale & His Del-Tones - the victor (Mr. Eliminator)
The Ventures - The Creeper (Trumpet Sounds)
Davie Allan & The Arrows - Theme (From "Thunderball") (Blues Theme)
Los Belkings - Bólido de Fuego (El Sonido de los Belkings)
The Brain Waves - Shave Your Beard (The Sultan's Night Out)
The Phantom Operators - The Interceptor (Into the Wasteland)
The 3rd Wave - En El Pico (En El Pico)
Messer Chups - Zombienuelle (Dracula Hates Killer Icicles)
The Swongos - Julie Ann's Dance (Curious Tourist)
Just Leg It!!! - A Junky and a Thief (Just Leg It!!!)
Eldanka - Bend or Stretch (Rusty Treasures)
The Whodads - El Flicko (Bongo Festeris)
Les Agamemnonz - Mount Capitola (Mount Capitola)
Los Frenéticos - La Cautiva (Teletransportación)
Captain Rico & the Ghost Band - V8 Interceptor (The Forgotten Memory of the Beaches)
Operation: Diamond Bikini - Beijing Jewels
The Omega Men - Susan Goes To Work (The Spy-Fi Sounds of the Omega Men)
Los Tremoleros - The Rip (The Winter Sessions)
The Evanstones - Eruptors (1961)
The El Caminos - Hornets Nest (The Complete Sexcite Works)
Thalasses - Zeus (Navegando Entre Escila Y Caribdis)
Les Robots - I Need You (I Need You)
Chung Kings - Mulati (Chung Kings Presents Surf-O-Tica)
Jubarte Ataca - Peixe Demonio (Das Profundezas, Emerjo!)
Omar Khorshid and his group - El Fann (Mohamed Abdel Wahab) (Live in Australia)
Vincent Bell - Farewell, Farewell (Airport Love Theme)
Hypnotzar - The Mysterious Case of Al-Draquli (Hypnotzar)
The Palermo surf experience - Surfing Gonzales (Tips from the inside: Instrumental surf rock)
The Del-Vipers - Tecate Run (Terror of the Del-Vipers)
The Pulltones - Baleia Song (Storm Fisherman)
boulevard park trio - long shot (civic pride)
Cannibal Mosquitos - wave of death (Surprise Attack)
The Chukukos - La Venganza de Ramon Ramon (Deep Latin Surf Attack!)
betasurfers - betaman (land beyond)
The Apemen - When Johnny Comes Wreckin' Home (7+ Inches of Love)