Blog Stuff

The Terminators - We Are Ready For Anything For the Mafia's Queen EP

The Terminators play fast, mean, and short surf instrumentals with what I assume is humorous Russian stage banter peppered throughout. It's extremely short, with each song coming in at less than 1 minute and 30 seconds when you skip the talking, but those instrumentals are worth it! They're well produced, well played, and full of energy.

I can't find much else on them, but I like what I've heard.

Apparently they've released more material this year so I'll embed all three. Each are pay-what-you-want.

From: 03/07/2017 - 07:26

Thank you to everybody that donated to WTUL. We passed my daily goal of $500 with a total of $580. I'll be back next week with another theme.

Also had a small segment paying tribute to the recently passed Jim Fuller of the Surfaris.

From: 03/06/2017 - 18:12
Tags: playlist


WTUL is a community radio station and relies on listener support to remain operational. And it's a nice way to show appreciation, reminds me why I pour so much time into this volunteer effort.

If you'd like to pitch in, go to . I get notifications when those come through, so while I like the personal touch of calling over the phone, online is WAY easier and the station gets your money instantly.

From: 03/06/2017 - 14:02

The Illuminators - Desert Rocks EP

Despite consistently enticing album art, I am not well acquainted with The Illuminators' material. They play modern/progressive instrumentals with a bit of mood and punch to them. There's a desert/spaghetti western theme going on on this EP that probably comes out strongest in "Memento Amorella", which might also be the most melodically memorable moment of the EP. This isn't really a direct Ennio Morricone thing though -- I hear just as much of the Madeira in here as that, but not quite as restless. It's an enjoyable journey with a sound that you can really sink into.

From: 03/03/2017 - 09:02

Los Tiki Phantoms - Aventuras En Celuloide

Los Tiki Phantoms are back with another album of lighthearted, carefree, pop-garage surf instrumentals. Though there are a few more effects, brass instruments, and spaghetti western sounds, it still has that bright and sunny Los Tiki Phantoms feel. They don't change the formula much, but I think of them as dependable rather than sounding stale.

From: 03/02/2017 - 07:09


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Storm Surge of Reverb, like surf music in general, is a money-losing endeavor.

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