Here it is: last show as an unmarried man and it's a doozy. This time my fiancee is responsible for the bulk of the playlist, and the rest will include songs from our Honeymoon destination (Thailand and Cambodia), a few nice and sweet songs, and a live set fom North Carolina's Ouroboros Boys. It's going to be pretty hectic!
As I'll be off on the other end of the globe, I'm going to have substitute DJs until May 2nd
Here's last week's playlist
louie and the louies - standoff (hipbone slim vs sir bald)
the madeira - ricochet (sandstorm)
the trabants - el dorado (highwire surfing)
impala - venus flytrap (kings of the strip)
the apollo four - nitro twist (dirty surf 7")
the sentinals - big surf (sunset beach)
the majestics - oasis pt. 1 (45)
ronnie & the uncalled four - just (part 2) (lost treasures)
the champs - go champ go (go champs go!)
jimmy beck - Fiesta (frolic diner vol 5)
the g-men - raunchy twist (45)
thom starr & the galaxies - jellyfish kiss (south bay surf)
the okay-men - der mopedist (au kassette)
the fathoms - getaway car (fathomless)
the casino royales - rendezvous in red bank (split 7")
the hangee V - green slippers (sounds of fuzz)
The Really Rottens - starting line (surf trash au-go-go)
y niwl - undegpedwar (y niwl album)
los jaguar's - por ti estoy surfriendo - mi gran noche (de fiesta con los jaguars)
les agamemnonz - brulure indienne (au revoir)
las olas - tano (las olas)
jonny & the shamen - vertigo (adventures in espionage)
the shockwave - space glider (contact from space)
los tiki phantoms - estampida (y el ejercito de los calaveras)
the aquamen - beans and rice (do the alkeehol)
boss fink - asphalt thunder (r.p.m.)
the dynotones - dynotone stomp (the dynotones)
Peluqueria Hernandez - puerto tristeza (Amaresque)
the slobodan experiment - Riptide (electric surf school)
apicultores clandestinos - faixa de gaza (astronauta del campo)
DIRTY FUSE - teenage cactus twist (last wave)
The Shades - shady lady (45)
the dead rocks - crash, crash, and crash again (international brazilian surfs)
invisible surfers - hey you beg for mercy (till that day)
spaceguards - multivision (multivision)
el ray - circus monkey (shoot from the hip)
arno de cea & the clockwork wizards - prelude a la chute (surf it up)
die krabben - fitzcoraldo (welcome to surf trash island)
the out of limits - aimprint (the rough masters demo ep)
travelers of tyme - man from t.y.m.e. 1960 (travelers of tyme)
kill, baby... kill! - turn your insides out (corridor x)