Slingshot Dragster - Ode to the Od (Bite the Bullet)
The Head Henchmen - Party At the Bongo (Oh No! It's the Head Henchmen)
The Routes - Shake Five (Shake Five)
The Surf Motherfuckers - Ted's Twist (Kaifuku)
The Untamed Youth - The Hearse (Untamed Melodies)
The Arrows - Hell Cats (The Hellcats: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Safaris - Kick Out (Surf-age Nuggets)
The Rhythm Rockers - Surfin' At Mazatlan (Surfing Classics)
PJ & the Galaxies - The Schimmy (Rare Surf Vol. 1 - The South Bay Bands)
The Swingers - Nitro (Boss Drag '64)
Link Wray - Roughshod (Big City After Dark - Missing Links Volume 2)
Jaguatirica Fever - Canoa Quebrada (Felino)
Longboard Cruise Control - Propulsion (Counter Trails)
Creature of the Wheel - Shred of the Living Dead (DethSurf)
Mick Beaulieu - Cold Waves (Seashore)
God of Surf - Manta Ray (Power)
The Surfers - Distance (Surf Party!)
Los Dedos - Hot Rod Bob (El Salado)
The Hula Girls - Tabou (Tabou / Zombie Stomp)
Little Kahuna - 3 Day Weekend (Summer by the Beach)
Los Venturas - El Rey De Los Cielos (Miles High)
The Hypnomen - Panorama Red (Supersonico)
Pounded by the Surf - Acid Drop (No Waves)
Los Protones - Presagio (Misión: OA4)
Sun Bus - Diablo Del Mar (Waves Into...)
Swami John Reis - The Lonely Sea Sweeper (Modern Surf Classics)
Sheverb - Redemption of the River Witch (Redemption of the River Witch)
The Break - The Surfing Priests (Church Of The Open Sky)
Megatronadores - Azra (Wanglen)
Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited - Rocket Tx7 (Studio 37)
Astroglides - Mystic Sphynx-Ten (Penetrate With...)
The Apemen - De Wip (Surfvival Of De Onbeschoneste)
Underwater Bosses - Sea Wolf (The Night Divides The Ride)
Speedball JR - V8 (U69)
Surf Cult - I'm Wild At Heart (Surf Cult)
Kólga - Is This Real? (Black Tides)
Galactic Coffin - Apocalipsisa Adin (Surf the Skulls or Die)
The Ghastly Ones - Attack Of Robot Atomico (A-Haunting We Will Go-Go)
The Nebulas - Friccion (Euphorion)