X-Ray Vision - Thunder Alley (Panique Au Biblos)
The Archers - Moon Over Istanbul (7"s and stuff)
Los Tiki Phantoms - Juno (Y el Misterio del Talismán)
Switch Trout - Slippin' (Turn on my switch)
the bahareebas - Es Vedra (Tell Me A Story About)
The Masonics - Mariners II (45)
Rene and his alligators - Telstar (telstar)
The Marksmen - Scratch (45)
Dave & the Orbits - Chili Beans (45)
The Ventures - Go-Go Slow (A-Go-Go)
The Rip-Chords - Big Wednesday (Three Window Coupe)
Marmaleene and the Moondusters - Chicxulubber (Marmaleene and The Moondusters)
The Obsidians - martian hotrod (The Obsidians)
Surf-A-Tomica - Tras el rastro (7")
The Aquamen - On the rocks (do the alkeehol (and other hits!))
Men in Gray Suits - Panic at the Pier (Panic at the Pier)
Los Galerna - Dale Fuzz (Surfusion)
The 427s - Redline (Stay Gold)
Langhorns - Dauphin (Club Gabardino)
The Space Rangers - Sneak a Peak (ready to take off!)
The Hang-Ten Hangmen - Sunset Strip (This is Boss)
surflamingo - Green Hill Zone (Entrepeñas Bay Terror)
the akulas - the searchers (rustines)
The Ramblin' Ambassadors - theme from 'the ramblin' bastards' (avanti)
The shockwave - Dusty Sand Sahara (death race!)
The Tormentos - an evening at fusco's (Go! The Phantom Surfers Race Against The Tormentos)
locobeach - dream of the bell flower (Psychedelic Disco Cumbia)
tito y sus supersonicos - dedos (popular vol 6)
apaslar - karanlik yolar (45)
los jaguars - Tengo un corazon contento (De Fiesta Con Los Jaguars)
Moussaka - Nadya (yaran)
The Mofos - link-Ray (supercharged on alcohool)
robert johnson and the punchdrunks - spy vs spy (birdsnest years)
Espectroplasma - Fin Del Planeta Espectra (Espectroplasma I)
Out of Limits - Blue Scorpion Death Squad (Drinking Scotch from the Skull of John the Baptist with the Gunman from the Grassy Knoll)
light strucks - Light Strucks (light struck)
The Trashwomen - Foxy 7 (vs. deep space)
los surfistas muertos - psychotronic skull (Los Surfistas Muertos)
The Madeira - The Ritual (Tribal Fires)