Stream it before THE MAN sees it
Ventura Dives - Red Coast (Ventura Dives)
El Ray - Springtime (Tick Tick Tick)
supertones - surf fever 2000 (surf fever 2000)
The Obsidians - Abobo A Go-Go (The Obsidians)
Husky and the Sandmen - Riproarin Holiday (Ridin the Wild Surf)
the kahuna kings - spazztastic (Who wants to party with the Kahuna Kings)
The Midnighterss - Shark Chase (45)
the delanceys - high voltage (45)
eddie & the showmen - toes on the nose (toes on the nose)
the avengers vi - slaughter on 10th avenue (real cool hits)
the sunspots - paella (phantom guitars)
the hustlers - wailin' out (it came from the beach!)
the woodchucks - angry generation (Cruising for Surf Bunnies)
The North Melbourne Surf Club - Twang Ahoy (North Melbourne Surf Club)
The Grande Bois - Zombie Fight (Grande Finale)
Los Surfistas Muertos - Snake Island (Psycho Surf From Hell)
futureVolt - Infinity (the futureVolt is NOW!)
Los Straitjackets - Hornet's Nest (The Velvet Touch of)
Surf Zombies - I Fell in Love with a teenage vampire (something weird)
The Mach IV - teke teke teke (eleki)
The Guantanamos - Going Off (The Boomker Recordings)
The Looney Tunes - Del Olprinz (Modern Sounds of The Looney Tunes Band)
thee windam earles - burn the couch (mai tai pink eye)
the trashwomen - foxy 7 (vs deep space)
the ok kings - big wail (it's ok)
hawaii samurai - toxic avenger (let there be surf)
thee cormans - the creep (halloween record w/ sound effects)
the necronautics - don't press this button again (scattered peace)
pelomono - mono rabioso (gibraltar)
chucknee - Hanagatakai (strange tale from east of the river)
the tornados - granada (ridin' the wind)
dead combo - hawai em chelas (a bunch of meninos)
The Black Flamingos - Rendezvous (Play Speedway and Other Hits)
man or astro-man? - codebreaker seventy-eight (defcon 5...4...3...2...1...)
Atomic Mosquitos - Pluto's Revenge (Bug Music for Bug People)
The Cavernarios - Pororoca (Camino a Varadero)
The Bahareebas - Longboard Alley (Tell Me A Story About)
Dirty Fuse - don't let me down nargile (Surfbetika)
frankie and the poolboys - Ripley in Love (the adventures of cap'n coconuts)
daikaiju - za feijingu supaidaa kyoui (phase 2)
the deadbeats - obey (day of the deadbeats)
The 427's - Bella (Stay Gold)