Les Tigres du Futur have a sound unto themselves, yet familiar enough for the impact to be immediate. As much as this is a guitar-centric site, they mostly serve as the crunchy, grinding infantry force. Leading the charge is the whirlwind keyboard, which deftly straddles both psych/prog mystery and adventure and a hip-shaking mod beat. If that doesn't sound very surf, it's because it's not; I don't hear a shred of Dick Dale, Ventures or even Shadows in this -- MAYBE Davie Allan or Link Wray but only because I'm looking for it. It's instrumental rock & roll though, no arguing it. My best attempt at a comparison would be Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited MINUS the jet-set vibe, PLUS Man or Astro-Man's rocket-fueled punch.
It's a helluva fun record through-and-through, and if like me these guys just stumbled on to your radar, you've still got Volume 1 to digest as well!
They've got a vinyl release that can be ordered through bandcamp, as can the digital download.