The Insanitizers were nice enough to send me Guitar Fun well in advance of its release date and said something about having time to take it all in. They weren't kidding. There's 23 tracks here with musical styling spanning straight ahead surf, Joe Meekish instrumentals, rautalanka, a harpsichord tune (I realize it's probably not actually a harpsichord), and... man, I don't know what. True to their name, it does sometimes feel like you're going slightly insane. This is partly because of the every-idea-explored nature of of the music, partly because of their core style: a swirling guitar effect mess of reverb, delay, and probably a few other ingredients (I don't play guitar) plus a relentless drum machine. Some may find their sound offputting, but it's very much their own and often it just takes a bit of a mental adjustment before you're enjoying it. I think the sound works best when they really overdo it, like on the swirling, free-floating "Loose Surfer" or the pounding "Robot Dance" or the wacked-out semi-cover "Misiglia". But you might hear something different and think it works better! There's so much going on on this record. If you feel like you need a curveball thrown into your surf listening, I think you should give this one a shot.
You can get the CD from CDbaby, as well as digital there or the big digital places.